🎀 Vector | Crush 🎀

660 19 11

aka the stupid lizard my sister and I would die for
Word Count: 1485

"Yo, boss!" A (a/t) calls, jogging to the front desk of the Chaotix Detective Agency's lobby. "I got the info!" She slams the papers onto the table, rattling the pens. The crocodile in the office chair nearly jumps out of his hide. So abrupt!

"Geez, (Y/n)!" Vector works on getting his paperwork in order after his employee wrecked it, and she smiles sheepishly. She doesn't know he's not actually irritated.


"Eh, whatever. Let's see whatcha got 'ere." He starts looking through it, and (Y/n) waits patiently. It's just the two of them; Espio and Charmy are off hunting down a small-time thief for a separate client. (Y/n) is working independently on a different mission at her boss's behest. Vector knows she can do it on her own, so he's not too worried about it. Besides, he likes seeing her work hard; she's just so good at what she does.

"Uh, boss? You in there?" She waves her hand in front of his face, and he flinches.

"Ah, yeah. 'M good." Vector's face heats up in embarrassment on several different levels, trying to focus on the information she brought.

It's difficult.

(Y/n) is scrutinizing his every move, making his skin crawl and his scales suddenly feel itchy. He's reread the same sentence probably fifteen times now, and he has to do it again. He glances up, making eye contact with her. Bashful, he looks down again.

"Uh, don'tcha got somethin' ta do right now?" Vector squints at the words on the page.

"Nope!" (Y/n) says joyfully. "Not until you read that and give me my next order!"

"Okay, well, just find somethin' t'do, okay?" He's trying to hold it together, but his face is getting warmer. She's so close!

"Okay!" She chirps. Vector sighs in relief as she bounds away. He can't take much more of this; he's so bad at coping with infatuation. He can't help but fall in love at first sight. At first, it was Vanilla, and now it's (Y/n). It's always the same pattern of him making a total fool out of himself. Every. Single. Time.

It's like his brain shuts down, and he's running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Vector finally finishes reading the papers, and he looks up. (Y/n) is sitting upside down on the couch. She says she likes the feeling of her blood rushing to her head, but when Vector tried it, it made him feel sick. She waves at him, smiling, and his face flushes again. He feels stupid.

He swallows, quickly telling her what her next move should be. She flips around, sitting properly as she listens carefully, taking in his every word. She always follows his orders right down to the letter. It's almost unnerving. She nods as he finishes.

Vector takes a sip of his coffee, having not slept in thirty-three hours. (Y/n) checks her phone for something before looking back to him. He waits expectantly.

"Hey, wanna go on a date sometime?"

Vector spits his drink out.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-what?!" His entire face turns red, and he covers his eyes with a hand as he squeezes them shut. He's gotta be dreaming! He must have passed out from sleep deprivation. It's the only explanation.

"A date. I'm totally free next week." (Y/n) smiles again, and Vector feels his heart might just burst from his chest. What is even happening right now?!

"Sure! Yeah! Of course! I'd love to!" Vector mentally slaps himself for such a dumb response. I'm a total idiot! Couldn't just play it cool, no. Had to be a dork about it.

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