🎀 Tails | Battlefield Bandages 🎀

471 13 4

He patches you up while you give him some words of encouragement. Just some standard wholesome stuff. Requested by minboymike. Hope y'all enjoy this li'l thing!
Gender Neutral
Word Count: 906

You feel so stupid. You should've seen that bot from a mile away, but you didn't. Instead, you went and got all roughed up. With an unruly amount of cuts, scrapes, and bruises, you definitely don't feel peachy. Still, you should be counting your lucky stars. Had one of its lasers met its mark, you might not've made it long enough to complain about it.

"C'mon," Tails tries, "settle down." The twin-tailed fox bandages up one of your legs, his ears twitching every so often to check for any more approaching enemies.

Yes, you're still on the battlefield.

It's fine, though. Sonic and the others have everything covered, and the bushes provide enough shelter to keep the two of you out of sight — as long as the bots don't have heat sensors, anyway.

You shove that fret out of your mind, not wanting to cause any hopefully unneeded stress for anyone, yourself included. Instead, you opt to watch Tails work (and squirm at any sign of mild discomfort, much to his chagrin.) You instinctively yank your leg away when he attempts to disinfect a deeper cut, but he grasps your ankle gently but firmly.

"Please stop moving," he says. "I can't move any faster like this."

"Sorry," you grumble, averting your gaze. "It just hurts."

"I know," he sighs softly, "but it won't get better if you don't let me help."

"I know," you echo dumbly. Huffing, you stretch you leg back out and let him work, though you don't bother biting back your hisses at the pain. When he finishes with that wound, he gently pats your knee in reassurance before switching legs. You don't say it, but the small gesture gives you some confidence.

An explosions goes off nearby, too close for comfort, and you reflexively snatch up your wispon.

"Careful!" Tails says. "Don't worry, Sonic's got it. We're fine."

"But what if—" you start.

"We're fine," he repeats, his tone firmer as a determined glint flashes in his eyes.

You'd almost forgotten he has some fight in him, too. After all, this is the same fox who saved Station Square; he knows what he's doing.

"…Alright." You set your weapon down, relaxing and letting him continue his work. "Thanks, Tails."

"'Course." Your companion disinfects the wounds on your other leg, tails swishing behind him. "I know lately I've been a bit unhelpful, maybe even a little…useless…"

"That's not true!" You exclaim, jerking upright before hissing in pain.

"I can do better," Tails says firmly. "I have. You're all so important to me, and I wanna prove again that you can rely on me. I have to make up for before."

He's talking about the war against Eggman and Infinite.

"It's true you can do better," you start slowly, wincing slightly when, as he wraps a particularly deep cut, he brushes over a nasty bruise. "But you can't fully be blamed for that. We were all off our game. You're amazing — you've saved countless lives, and not being as fast as Sonic or as strong as Knuckles doesn't mean you don't have a place. You're super smart and tech savvy, and that's not something a lot of us can say about ourselves. You're the smartest person I've ever met, and that's something to be proud of. You're not useless. You never were."

"I know you're right," he sighs, "but that doesn't mean failure is okay. Not with so many lives in danger."

You can't argue with that, so instead you settle back down and let him work in quietude.

Explosions and the clamor of battle continue to sound off in the distance behind you, and while they keep you on edge, you try to relax. It's fine, you're fine. It'll be okay. It always is.

Eventually, Tails pats your knee after wrapping your final wound.

"All done!" He proclaims with a smile, and you grin back.

Just as you're about to thank him, his ears perk, and he snatches up your wispon. He fires to your left, spooking you and causing you to jerk your legs painfully. An eggpawn that strayed to close now lay in a pile of scrap and bolts nearby.

You stare at it, then Tails, somewhat shocked.

"Oh," is all you manage to say.

"You okay?" The fox asks, looking you over for a moment.

"I'm fine, thanks," you start. "Nice catch there."

"These ears aren't just for show!" He jokes. "Now, need a hand up?"

"Probably," you admit. "I'd appreciate it."

"Sure thing!"

He hoists you up, and you stagger to your feet with a grunt and a wince. When you feel grounded enough, you allow him to lead you away from the battleground with one hand, his other still welding your wispon.

No other bots interfere, but that doesn't help the two of you to relax until the sounds of battle are but a memory. With a sigh, you slump against a nearby tree and stare at the palm of your free hand. You should have been more careful. You're better than that. Tails notices your brooding and rests a hand on your shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry about it," is all he says, his sky blue eyes twinkling and tails swishing.

"Alright," you murmur. "Just an off day, I guess."

"Let's get you home," he suggests gently, and you nod, a bittersweet smile on your lips.

With that, the two of you start off once again.

Kinda short considering now I write 4000+ word chapters regularly, not that I've posted any yet. Lmao.

But no, I'm not dead! I know I keep saying, "Oh, I'll update, I'll update, I promise!" and then don't deliver, but I finally got to it this time around. I mean, I know I said updates would be slow and irregular, but this is just goofy.

Either way, gonna work on a Mephiles request next. Gotta feed my fellow Mephy lovers since we're always so starved. ✨😎👉👉

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