🎀 Shadow | Newfound Bliss 🎀

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Shadow has never experienced pleasure before, so you take matters into your own hands. Or something.
I literally hadn't written smut in, like, forever when I decided to write this. It might be kinda bad. Oopsies. 🙃
Gender Neutral
Word Count: 866

Shadow pants softly below me, eyes half lidded and glazed over. His lips are parted slightly, quiet breaths tantalizing and quills splayed out behind his head. His red stripes are the perfect accent against the blankets beneath us, and he wears only his inhibitor rings. With nothing but the moonlight filtering through the curtains in the dark room, I slide down his body, hands lingering in his chest fur while placing gentle kisses as I go.

Shadow groans almost inaudibly when I nose against his thighs, his hand twitching as he grips the blanket tightly. I kiss between his legs, and he gasps, body trembling slightly. Slowly revealing itself, his member drips with precum, inviting me. I glance toward his face, and he looks away, face flushed from both stimulation and embarrassment.

"Shadow," I murmur. "Are you sure?" He squeezes his eyes shut, as if to hide from his embarrassment.

"Please..." This whispery confirmation is all I need, his voice so soft, so sweet to me. Taking my cue, I clean his tip with small kitten licks. His breath hitches, and I take him into my mouth, careful not to graze him with my teeth. Laving my tongue along the underside of his length, I bob up and down, watching his face.

Shadow's eyes are averted, and one of his hands covers his mouth while the other twists the blanket in his grasp. His ear flicks before both flatten, a low croon escaping him after a particularly deep suck. I languidly hum around his cock in response, and he bites the side of his hand, growling quietly.

I pull away from him abruptly, and he snarls audibly, lips curled back to reveal his sharp teeth.

"Let me hear you," I whisper, finger swiping up his length teasingly. Shadow glares at me, ruby eyes flashing, but I only smile gently. His face flushes again, and he looks away.


Wasting no time, I wrap my lips around him again, sliding down until my mouth touches fur. Shadow's voice quavers as he cries out softly, body shaking beneath me. His cock twitches, and I barely have time to prepare for his abrupt release.

I choke on his cum.

Shadow's face burns with humiliation, and he hides behind his hands as I sit, dazed. As I blink to my senses, I swallow what's left before chuckling good-naturedly. Moving back to his face and pulling his hands away, I kiss him. There's a soft thumping, and I realize it's his tail. He wraps his arms around me, probably trying to forget his embarrassment, and I creep my hand down again. He doesn't stop me.

One hand gives his length a few pumps, and the other slithers into his soft chest fur, gently massaging him with circular motions from the pad of my thumb. A little purr escapes him, and he nuzzles into me. We're kissing each other softly, not putting much thought into our actions. Don't think, only feel.

He bucks into my hand, and I smile against his lips, working him in earnest. He whines, arching his back and pushing closer to me. I angle my hand ever so slightly for better access, and he curses before letting out several breathy moans, cumming in my hand. He looks a little exhausted as he gazes up at me with bleary eyes, expression hazy.

"Too much," he hisses. "Too good—!"

"We can stop if you need to," I remind.

"Don't coddle me," Shadow snaps, seemingly fully recovered and irritably thrusting into my hand again. "I didn't say I was done." With that, he forcefully flips us over. "You've toyed with me enough. I think it's time I get what I want." My face reddens, but I'm not complaining.

"Shadow," I murmur, my voice airy. His ear flicks again, and I reach up for him. He doesn't dodge me, but he doesn't come any closer, either. "I'm yours." His lips part to speak, but he lapses into silence for a moment. Deciding not to say anything, he embraces me and captures my lips with his.

But this time is different.

So warm, so passionate, so loving. Every emotion he feels for me, all in one simple gesture. I almost cry, holding him tightly in fear he may disappear, a hand tangled in his quills and the other around his body.

When we break away, I can't stop myself from crying out, "Shadow, I love you!" He stares at me for a moment before his expression melts into pure adoration. My heart pounds in my chest, but it only gets worse when he leans down to whisper in my ear, breath fanning against me.

"I won't go easy on you just because it's my first time."

"Please," I whisper weakly. "Make me yours." Shadow closes his eyes for a moment, nuzzling into my neck. I feel his sharp teeth graze my skin, but I don't stop him; he hums in appreciation at the nongesture. I'm momentarily distracted by the sensation of him nibbling on me, but I snap back to reality at the sound of his voice.

"You'll be mine...but I'll also be yours. I...I love you."

This time, I really do cry.
omg Yatori wrote smut, eww cringe

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