🎀 Shadow | Creative_Title.jpeg 🎀

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Requested by the lovely @A-Pastel-Unicorn. I hope it's to your liking!
Word Count: 1513

"Don't listen to them," my friend says as we shuffle down the sidewalk after school. "They don't know you, anyway."

"But what if they're right?" I ask quietly. "Maybe I do need to grow up." An uncomfortable feeling makes me shift, but I try not to think about it. It's probably nothing.

"We're not even adults yet," she reminds me. "And adults can have stuffed animals, too. They make you happy, and that's what counts."

"Maybe I have too many..." The feeling of discomfort grows, and I peek over my shoulder. Nothing out of the ordinary — just people crossing the street and the like.

"Psh, you don't even have that many," she dismisses. I check behind us again. "Is something wrong, N/n?"

"Is someone watching us?" I whisper, scooting closer to her.

"I don't think so," she responds hesitantly before looking around. "Yeah, we're fine. You're just imagining things."

"If you say so," I mumble.

Eventually, we have to part ways at my front door. I almost don't want to since we don't see each other often. That, and the weird feeling I have. I try to shrug it off as I pull the house key out and unlock the door, letting myself in. The feeling of being watched only seems to grow, so I quickly slam and lock the door behind me. With my hand still on the door, I force myself to take deep breaths.

I'm fine, everything's fine.

I check the blinds on every window, making sure no one can peek in. Satisfied, I finally head upstairs and swing my backpack off. I probably have loads of back work to focus on since the bullying has been affecting my work ethic, but I'll deal with it later. Right now, I need to relax.

My phone beeps out a notification, and I pick it up; it's my mom. I read the text with a slight frown. Apparently, she's coming home later than normal because of something at work.

Because of course this had to happen today.

With a deep sigh, I flop onto my bed, jarring all the plushies situated on the mattress. Snuggling into the covers and hugging one of the toys close, I try to calm down. My attempts have the opposite effect instead, and I swear I hear rustling downstairs.

But that's impossible. The door is locked, and so are the windows. No one can get in without me hearing them.


They're coming upstairs.

Freaked out, I jump up and start turning this way and that for anything to help me.

Should I call Mom? The cops?!

I don't have any more time to panic because while I'm dithering, the door opens. I'm not facing the doorway! What if someone stabs me—

Someone's behind me.

I spin around, snatching up stuffed animals in both hands, ready to throw them at the intruder.

Except I can't see them for a few seconds. Confused, I look down, only to spot a short, dark...creature. I don't waste any time thinking about what it is, screaming. The intruder covers the ears on top of their head, and I use this time to chuck my stuffed animals at them. They let out an "oof," and I jump onto my bed, throwing more plushies at them.

"Wait—!" They exclaim. "Ow, a button."

I pause, poised to throw a small cat plush, and wait for them to continue.

🎀 Love Is A Gift 🎀 [Sonic Various x Reader | Oneshots and Headcanons]Where stories live. Discover now