🎀 NSFW Headcanon #3 | Morning After the First 🎀

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What happened after the first night you passionately made love together? (Technically not NSFW by nature, but I'm still counting it.)
Gender Neutral

🎀 Sonic 🎀
- he's the first thing you see when you wake up
- becomes very clingy, albeit gently
- makes a point to make sure you know he doesn't regret a thing
- becomes very soft and complacent for a time
- for once, he actually sits still, just to enjoy you there by his side
- just...be there. bask in it.

🎀 Knuckles 🎀
- he moved far enough away to definitely not be touching you but still in sight
- he doesn't know what to do
- he doesn't regret it, but do you?
- no obviously but he's dense
- he won't be the first to come close. you have to approach him
- just tell him how much you love him, and he'll be back to normal in no time
- albeit slightly touchier. you're most definitely his now.

🎀 Vector 🎀
- he gets so surprised at the memory he falls off the bed entirely
- he didn't hurt you, did he? are you fine with what happened? you still love him, right?!
- oh my god pls calm down
- his fall wakes you up
- you're the clingy one now. you love him sm of course you don't regret anything!!
- Espio and Charmy realize something's different between you two, but it's a good different
- you're both...happier. and that's what matters, right?

🎀 Espio 🎀
- he's very quiet, moreso than usual
- he kind of lays there and stares at you, waiting for you to say or do anything
- give him a kiss, and he'll be back to normal in no time
- it stays on his mind throughout the day, and his hand wanders to yours a lot
- just humor him, he wants validation

🎀 Shadow 🎀
- he's not in bed when you wake up
- panik™
- he's actually just making breakfast. u know. like normal. why are u so nervous?
- he doesn't say anything for a while. not a word.
- it's super unnerving and worrying
- turns out he just doesn't know what to say
- talk to him. he'll open up uncharacteristically fast.
- he doesn't know how you feel about it, what you'll do now; where is your relationship now?
- you love him. make sure he knows it.
- after that, he'll be slightly more open about affection, even initiating it himself
- you're his now, and... he's yours

🎀 Rouge 🎀
- she acts absolutely normal
- almost like nothing happened
- but the look in her eyes says it all; she's happy
- you might be embarrassed, but she's just so happy that the two of you made it this far together
- it's the first time she's ever done that purely out of love, after all
- she appreciates any and all extra affection. hand it over.

🎀 Blaze 🎀
- embarrassed as all get out
- she even avoids you because when she sees you, all she can think of is last night
- chase her down. talk to her. she'll calm down
- but still, she doesn't know where to go with this now that you've gone all the way together
- just...guide her, okay? stay by her side

🎀 Silver 🎀
- he jolts upright in bed, blushing furiously and covering his face
- did that actually happen?! yes, yes it did
- he shies away from your touch at first, too embarrassed
- but then he goes all in, hugs n kisses all the way!!
- he can't stay away for too long, he loves you too much! and you him
- extra touchiness, more loving words exchanged, but relatively normal after his outburst in bed
- he's finally so happy

🎀 Mephiles 🎀
- doesn't need to sleep, so he spent his time thinking
- he doesn't know what to do
- you belong to him now, isn't this what he wanted? so why is he suddenly so tentative?
- when you wake up, he stays just out of reach. he won't touch you, and he pulls away if you try to make physical contact
- he's a slippery thing, so you have to make a real effort to get him to sit still and...talk about his feelings? what?
- he's bad at explaining it because he doesn't understand it, but it turns out he's just scared you'll reject him now
- well you've made it this far and haven't pushed him away, so why's he so stupidly nervous about it? you saying that annoys him
- he's back to his egotistical self instantly, berating you for insulting him
- shut him up with affection. it always short circuits him.

🎀 Infinite 🎀
- you saw his face. you saw him in his entirety. what is he supposed to do now? he was so vulnerable
- like Mephiles, he'll avoid you and refuse all affections
- he adjusts his mask more frequently; he's nervous
- sit him down, shut him up, and give him love
- you're not going to leave him over some scar. scars aren't blemishes, they're stories.
- and the vulnerability? you're just so damn happy he trusts you that much
- he'll be okay; just give him tail pets and he'll give into the love

Shadow, Mephiles, and Infinite live rent-free in my head. I think it shows.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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