Chapter eight- New Friends?

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It's been a week since you were with the Sano family. You have come to trust them now and told them (Shinichirou already knew) about your reason of running away, leaving out the abuse for the sake of Emma and Mikey's ears. After hearing your story, Emma and Mikey immediately ran up to you and tackled you with a hug, saying that they'll keep you safe and you can stay with them forever. But you decided to keep your ears And tail a secret until the right time comes.

Currently, you're walking with Mikey to meet his friends. Apparently he created a gang with them and decided to introduce you to them after your little sparing with him.

"N/n! Do you wanna come practice with me?" an excited Mikey running up to hug you. "Practice? For what?" You replied as you dodged the hug attack. Mikey then fell from his lunge, "owww, you know you should stop dodging when I do that~ it hurts like hell when I hit the floor..." Mikey pouted. "Maybe you should stop doing that so I don't have to dodge" you retorted, "and answer my question." "I heard from Shin-nii that you can fight! I wanna practice with you!" Mikey enthusiastically said. 'Damn it Shinichrou-san!' you cursed in your head.

"Come on! Please~" Mikey pleaded with puppy eyes. 'He's too cute!!!' you thought.

Finally giving in, you sighed. "Alright...I'll come practice with you...."


With that, you were dragged by Mikey to the dojo section of the house. As you arrive, you saw Emma in her dojo outfit practicing some punches. Emma noticed you, stopped her punching, and ran to you.

"Y/n-nee!" Emma exclaimed and hug you. "Hey Emma" you replied and hugged back. "So you return her hug and dodges mine? How come?!" Mikey asked you, pouting.

"Maybe because she doesn't jump at me?" you answered. "Are you gonna practice with us?" Emma asked. "Apparently yes since Shinichirou-san had told Mikey that I can fight" you replied. "You can?!" Emma exclaimed, "can you show us?"

"Well....I could but I don't wanna hurt anyone...." you said.

"You can practice with me!" Mikey excitedly said. "But what if I hurt you?" you said, generally concerned. "Nah, you won't! Besides, I'm able to beat people twice my size!" Mikey said, sounding very proud. "If you say so...." you said while getting into ready position.

When you were both ready, Mikey lunged towards you. You swiftly moved to the side and caught the fist he attempted to swing at you. You then lifted Mikey up and threw him over you shoulder, locking him with one hand behind his back. "Ow ow ow owww I give, I give n/n!" Mikey exclaimed. "Already? I didn't even use a quarter of my strength yet...." you nonchalantly said. "What?! That wasn't your full strength?!" Mikey looked at you, shocked he was beaten.

"I still can't believe you beat me without your full strength..." Mikey pouted as you guys walked. "I....just have more experience than you...that's right!" you said, trying to cheer Mikey up.

As you were trying to cheer Mikey up, you felt a presence behind you. Once it got closer, you turned around and kicked them in the guts. "Owwww wtf?!" the stranger yelled at you. Then four other boys went towards the guy you kicked, checking if he was ok. "Maybe don't try and sneak up behind me" you replied calmly while observing them. 'They don't look too old.... In fact, they look around me and Mikey's age....' you thought to yourself.

"Baji! Are you ok?!" the guy with a buzz cut asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. But that hurt!" the guy, who you presume is Baji, said. "Baji!" you heard Mikey exclaim next to you. You look at Mikey with a 'who?' look which he seemed to understand.

"Let me introduce you to my friends! N/n, this is Baji," he points to the guy on the ground. "Hello," you said without emotion. "Not even gonna say sorry?" Baji asked you.

"You're the one who sneaked up on me, not my fault" you said to him. "You-" "okay... anyways n/n, this guy with buzz cut is Kazutora, the one with lilac hair is Mitsuya, and the one with the dragon tattoo is Ken-chin!" Mikey cut in and introduced. "Y/n, Nice to meet you all," you bowed.

"Nice to meet you too," they all greeted, "and please, call me Draken" supposedly 'Ken-chin' added.

"Ne, n/n, do you want to join us?" Mikey suddenly asks. "Be more specific Mikey...." you said back. "Our gang! Do you want to join our gang" Mikey said, grouping with the others. "Why would I do that?" "So we could protect you" Mikey replied with a closed eye smile.

"Did you forget that I was the one who won during our little spar?" you told Mikey. "What?!" the guys eyes widened upon that statement. "You don't have to bring it up! Besides, we can help you go against your mmf-" you covered Mikeys mouth before he could say more. "Don't you dare say another word" you threatened him.

"Then will you join?" Mikey asked with sparkles in his eyes the minute you took your hands off him.

".....fine......" you reluctantly replied.

"Uhh, Mikey. Mind filling us up?" Draken suddenly spoke. You had honestly forgot about the group at this point. "Right, I've decided that n/n here will be third in command along with Ken-chin!" Mikey immediately said, causing the boys to stare at him like he's manic.

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