Thanksgiving Special

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This will turn back to when Shinichirou was still alive! So please don't say things like "wasn't shin dead" and stuff like that!
"Manjirou! Get your ass up! It's already 11!" Shinichirou yelled throughout the house.

It was almost noon of thanksgiving day, and all preparations were nearly done for the feast. Of course, our dear dorayaki lover is fast asleep with no intentions of waking up.

"Don't wanna~ I want more sleep~" he whined, snuggling into the cover of his bed.

Shinichirou, having enough of Manjirou's antics, pulled the covers off of him and began dragging Manjirou to the bathroom. "No~~~~ Let's me sleep more Shin-nii~" Manjirou struggled, latching on to anything he can to prevent the dragging.

"We have a lot to do today! So wake up and help out. Otherwise no dorayaki and taiyaki for a week!" Shinichirou said, knowing that the threat in the end will take effect.

"No! Not my precious!!!" And immediately, Manjirou got up, running to the bathroom to get ready.

"*sigh* that kid will be the death of me..." Shinichirou exhaled, going down the stairs to help with preparations.

"Careful what you say, cause it might just come true~" a voice taunts from behind, scaring Shinichirou. "Gah! You've gotta stop doing that y/n!" Shinichirou cried. "Hmmm...... how about no? Besides, it's fun seeing a so called gang leader get scared from such a small thing~" she taunted.

"Why you little- agh!" A sudden spoon hits the back of Shinichirou's head. "Are you done being lazy now? If so then come and help me! I can't do all this work by myself!" Emma roared.

"Wah~ Emma's being mean...." Shinichirou sulked, "she didn't even scold y/n-chan...." "That's cause she woke up early to help! Unlike you and Mikey, she actually wakes up early!" Emma praises.

"Well that's because both of you have the minds of an old lady..... no one would wake up that early for no reason" Manjirou said, coming down the stairs with his super old blanket. "Ugh, Mikey! I told you to throw that thing out already! Also, did you just call me old?!" Emma raged, chasing Manjirou.

"Now now, settle down children. We have guests over" Grandpa Sano cuts in, separating the two. "Ah, good morning Grandpa Sano!" y/n greeted.

"Good morning to you too dear" he greets back, "let's go back to preparing the feast now before more time is wasted."

And with that, y/n, Emma, and Shinichirou went towards the kitchen while Manjirou went towards the living room upon hearing his grandpa saying they have guests.

"Ken-chin! Mitsuya!" he exclaimed, jumping onto the taller latter. "Woah! Man, you've gotta stop jumping on me Mikey!" Draken yells at him, which doesn't go unnoticed by y/n.

"He only jumps on you because he want to see the view he can never reach!" y/n yelled from the kitchen, earning a few snickers. "Hey! That's not true!" Manjirou yelled back, turning red in the face.

"Why don't you stop bickering with her and help them prepare?! If we don't finish there won't be any feast for tonight!" Grandpa Sano scolded, hitting Manjirou with a newspaper. "Ow! T^T yes grandpa...."

"Why don't we help too?" Mitsuya chimed in, "besides, I'm the one who's eating here. It would be rude of me not to help out." "That's nice of you. See Manjirou! Why can't you be like your friend here!"

Grandpa Sano went back to scolding Manjirou while Draken and Mitsuya walked towards the kitchen, where everything was everywhere.....

"No Shin-nii! Don't throw away that! We need that for the gravy!" "What?! Which one?! They're all the same color!" "Ugh! It's-" "Careful! It almost got in my mash potatoes!"

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