Chapter 40- requests

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"Anyways, I'm Daiki Izumi. Pleasure to meet you my lady" he introduced.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. The way he had smiled at you when he introduced himself wasn't a friendly smile, it was a smile of hidden intentions. What adds on, was his phone call.

Yes, you heard his phone call even though you were walking away. It isn't a problem when you had super hearing, that was a pro with the experiment.

When he knew your name when you didn't even tell him, that was what drove you to research him. So after that night, you would secretly research about him when everyone was asleep. However, you couldn't find a single information on 'Daiki Izumi'. But there was someone similar, Mizui Akidi........ a name you remember hearing about when eavesdropping on your parents. Matching the photos you found, 'Daiki' was indeed 'Mizui'.

So more research was then made on 'Mizui Akidi'. This time, information seemed endless. Looking through majority of them, you found out that apparently this person was supposed to be your fiancé after you had turned 12, but before they could announce it, you were quote on quote "kidnapped", as said on the news.

Looking further down, you saw a photo of Mizui chatting with your parents along with Kisaki. That sparked your guard. 'Why was he there?' you had thought to yourself.

Up until now, you were still thinking about Kisaki's connection with Mizui. However, it had to be put on hold because you were currently on your way to meet Baji.

As you made your way towards the bridge, you saw Takemichi and Chifuyu talking with Baji near the bridge. Not wanting the two to see you, you decided to turn away until they left. However, you did hear a little of their conversation.

"If the fight starts.... Then you're gonna be Toman's enemy for real Baji-san!!" Chifuyu exclaimed. 'Ah... so he's trying to take Baji back.... How faithful' you thought.

You stayed hidden and daydreamed as their conversation, however, once particular sentence struck your interest.

"Baji-kun..... please make it through the fight. Please... don't die. If you did... it'll make Mikey-kun really sad" Takemichi warned. But Baji, being stubborn as he is, declared enemy to Mikey.

-after the two left-

"You know this isn't the way to protect Toman, right?" you appeared. "It's the only way y/n. There's no other way" Baji replied.

"Welp, it could just be your brain being unable to think of another way because of your incredibly low iq" you taunted, irritating him. "Shut up! I can be smart!" he exclaimed.

"Well... you're street smart, but when it came to academics.... you're as hopeless as Takemichi when he try's to fight. But enough about this, why did you call me out?" you asked, diverting the topic so Baji won't stay moody.

"Right, you still don't know..." Baji muttered. "I don't know what?" "Valhalla and Toman will be fighting soon. And.... I want your help kicking Kisaki out" he admitted.

"Is that why you made such a fuss that day? To quit Toman and kick Kisaki out? Man, there was so many better ways!" you told him, secretly frustrated with his dumb approach. "Are you gonna help me or not!" Baji persisted, not wanting to hear your scolding.

"I can help" hope starts to shine in Baji's eyes, "but I need time" you said, "I need to figure some shit out first."

And with that, you left Baji on the bridge and started walking towards the parking lot for training.

-at the parking lot-

"Why the fuck is he here?!"

When you had entered the abandoned parking lot, you were met with passed out bodies of your member. And the one who was behind this, was a tall zombie whom you had seen once.

"Oh? Isn't it little miss third commander? What are you doing here~" he asked, amusement shining in his eyes.

"I asked the question first Hanma."

"I'm here to ask for the use of this parking lot love~" he said flirtatiously. "For what?" you pressed. "Now darling~ you should answer my question first before asking your second one shouldn't you?"

'He's really pushing my buttons 💢'

"Tell me why the hell are you on my turf and maybe we can settle things peacefully. And stop calling me names!" you told him, wanting him out as soon as possible.

"So your the leader? Oh well, it's better than being the third commander though, isn't it?" he taunted. "Spit your request fucker" you demanded, getting on the verge of hitting him.

"Chill, chill~ I want to use this place for a fight tomorrow" he said.

"A fight with who?" you asked.

"Why a fight with your dear Toman of course! And you can have a front row seat! As long as you don't wear that hood of yours~" he offered.

"And what do I get out of this?"

"Don't you want to see who's one step closer in ruling Tokyo?! Not to mention your little friends~ Don't you want to see them plummet to their defeat?!"

Hanma's taunting was getting to you. You are also paranoid at what's gonna happen upon remembering Takemichi's warning to Baji. Thus, you agreed to let him have use of the parking lot.

"Great! I'll see you soon then~" Hanma tried to leave, but halted in his step.

"Hold on." You had called out to him.

"What is it~ you don't want me to le-"

A punch was sent into Hanma's face, sending him flying out the gates of the parking lot.

"That was for beating them up! Don't think you can away with it next time!"

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