Chapter 39- some changes

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On the other side.....
-at the musashi shrine-
"Hey! Do you know why we're having a sudden meeting?"
"I was gonna ask you that!"
"I heard it's because of the betrayal of the first division captain..."
"Idiot! That was a few days ago!"
"Then what is it about?"

Members all gather by the Musashi Shrine, muttering in confusion as to why they were summoned.


Immediately, everyone lined up in their respective positions upon hearing the familiar call. And soon enough, their commander and vice commander was walking down the path they had created. And once both had reached the top, everyone had noticed that someone was missing.

"As you all may have noticed, our third commander,
l/n y/n is not here today! They will no longer be with us until further notice!" Mikey exclaimed to the crowd.

"What?!" "What're we gonna do?!" "Please explain commander!"

Panicked mutters and shouts were thrown around the whole shrine, some even have the guts to ask for an explanation.


Immediately, the shrine got quiet just as fast as it got loud.

"Although I do not know when they'll be back, all I know is that they will come back. So for once, I'm asking something of you guys. Please be patient and wait for the returning of our third commander" Mikey sincerely said. But before anyone could react, he dismissed the meeting, leaving only the captains and vice captains.

Mikey's pov
Once I had dismissed everyone, I had Mitsuya and the others stay. There face screamed 'explain'.

"Ahem...... uh........ well...... uhm......"

I didn't know where to start. Y/n said to just tell them everything...... but where do I start?! There's so much to unpack....

"Well? Out with it" Ken-chin demanded. Even he didn't know about her disappearance until I told him a few days before....

"So.... you all know y/n-chin was abused....." they all nod, "but you didn't know how she ended up with me... right?" they all nod again. "Well....." I start explaining the events from when Shin-nii found her, to his death, and to now, as well as the plans she had told me when we were younger.

-five minutes later-
It was covered in absolute silence. No one had said a word when I finished.

"Well damn....." Ken-chin muttered. "How much do we not know about her? I mean, it just seemed like we were told a whole new person!" he exclaimed.

"Y/n-chin didn't want to drag you guys into her pro-" "This isn't about us being dragged in!" Ken-chin cuts, "it's about how she kept herself away from us! She's hiding her burden!"

"Calm down Draken" Mitsuya suddenly cuts in, "we have to see things from her perspective." "Don't tell me to calm down when you know damn well that you're upset too!!!" Draken then grabbed Mitsuya by his collar, "you can't tell me you're not frustrated about this!"

"....I am..... but that doesn't mean I don't understand her" he said.


Everyone who was processing the events suddenly perked up, even me.

"What do you mean?" Ken-chin whispered.

"Imagine you were in her shoes. She doesn't want us to get hurt because she knows their tactics. She knows how dangerous it'll be if we got involved. She does that because...... because she considers us family....." Mitsuya explained, tears threatening to fall down his face. "We just need to have faith she'll come back to us safe and sound" he added.

And it was silence once again, but this time, there was a gloomy atmosphere. "Ken-chin, let Mitsuya go" I commanded, "we should leave now, it's getting late." I walked towards my bike, and drove away.

'Gomen ne y/n-chin.... I couldn't tell them more.... if what you really said is true, then it'll be my fault...... and I'll take full responsibility if it is'

 and I'll take full responsibility if it is'

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"Kisaki and a guy named Daiki is suspicious. I'm not gonna tell you to kick Kisaki out yet, but I want you to warn the others to be careful about him. I think Keisuke was on about this, I'll talk to him soon. Sorry for leaving this to you" she smiled.

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