Chapter 19- Exams

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"No! Pay some attention to me n/n!" Mikey whined.

"Stop that Mikey! It was your idea in the first place!" you said.

"Onegai (please) y/n-chan! Please tutor me!" a bowing Baji stands in front of the Sano household with Chifuyu next to him, bowing as well.

"Eh?! Why come to me??? Isn't Chifuyu helping you enough?" you asked, "besides, I also need to study for my upcoming tests as well."

"You see...." Baji started. "I can't" Chifuyu cuts in, "the last time I tutored him I ended up failing my own test! I'm not having a repeat of that!"

"Ah.... Then no" you quickly said before trying to shut the door, only to have Mikey come in and stop you. "C'mon, it probably won't be that bad!" he perks.

"No" you firmly states, but that just causes both Mikey and Baji to give you the puppy eyes. You may be use to one, but two is just too much.

"*sigh* alright, fine. I'll tutor you Baji. But the minute you ask something dumb I'm throwing you out."

"Y/n! I don't get this!" Baji tells you. "I just explained that! Were you not paying attention?!" you yelled.

"Umm... well..." Baji trailed off. "So you weren't listening. How do you expect to pass if you don't even know fucking simple math?! And don't get me started on your literature!" you scolded.

"Not my fault that math has all these complicated x and y's! Like, who needs all that?!" he retorted. "So you think it's useless? Then leave the house" you state. "Huh?" "If your not gonna take this seriously then I'm not tutoring you!"

"Wait please! Y/n!" Baji pleaded as you dragged him to the door, with Mikey following to see the drama. "I can't fail again! My mom's gonna be sad.... Please..... I'll take it more seriously" he says with a desperate tone.

You knew he only wants to make his mother happy, which is why he's trying so hard. And knowing his mom, she'd probably be quite sad that her son failed yet another year....

"Mikey" you called out. "Yeah?" "Give Mrs.Baji a call and tell her that her son will be staying the night" you told him.

"Does this mean-" Mikey starts with hopeful eyes, "no. It doesn't mean your having a sleepover. I'm gonna tutor both you and Baji all night until you get it" you quickly rejects his idea.

"What?! Why me too?!" he asks you. "Don't think I didn't see your last test. You barely passed them."

Now completely dejected, he goes to make a call while you dragged Baji back to your room and continues to try and help him.

~time skip to after exams~
"Y/n!" a certain black head tackled you. "Ack! Get the fuck off me!" you yelled at them. After he got off, you saw that he had a huge smile on his face.

"Now what's got you smiling so creepily Baji?" you teased. "Hey! My smile isn't creepy!" he pouts, "but! That is to your tutoring, I passed! Moms gonna be so happy!" he happily tells you.

"Even I was surprised." Chifuyu popped up behind Baji, "say y/n, how did you actually manage to teach him?" You just shrugged, "don't know. All I know was that it was hell." Chifuyu just laughs at your answer.

"Speaking of passing, Mikey.... What did you get?" you asked, turning to the said blonde who was avoiding eye contact.

"Don't tell me you failed...." you darkly said, making Mikey flinch. "Sano. Fucking. Manjirou. You're telling me, that you failed."

".... Eh-he?"

"Eh-he? Eh-he?! You better run your ass back home before I have you train double, no, triple your usual!!!" you yelled. With that, Mikey started running while Baji and Chifuyu just laughing at the scene in front of them.

Let's just say, that day, Mikey went through hell.

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