Chapter five- Black Dragon

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After telling them your story, the three just stood there.


You started fidgeting, uncomfortable with the silence. Just then, the black one broke it. "That means you don't have a home to stay, right?"

You look at the black one, shocked and confused. " you mean?"

"Well, since you said you ran away, doesn't that mean you currently don't have a place to live?" He responded.

You just nod your head, confused of his reaction.
"Then why don't come live with m-" "you just want her to stay with you because you find her pretty" The striped haired one interrupted.

The black haired flushed, the other two then continued to poke fun of him. " not scared? Considering Im part of a gang that's currently trying to kidnap me and could potentially put you in danger?" You interrupted.

"Oh, about that... we're actually in a gang as well..."
This shocked you. You didn't think that someone like him would be apart of the gang life.

"Guess we didn't say anything huh?" you shook your head no as they keep talking. "We're from the Black Dragon gang, and this guy right here," the smoking one points, "is the founder." "Although he is a wimp at fighting" the stripped one adds.

"What about my ears and tails? You don't think I'm a freak?" You asked. The three of them just stared at you in disbelief. "What do you mean? You were forced as an experiment for your father right? You didn't have a choice" the black hair said. "Besides, you look cute."

You were beyond shocked, and flushed from the complement. Not only did they not judge you, they also offered you a place to stay! "But you're not going to hurt me? And you won't take me back to my father?"

"Geez, you ask too many questions. Besides, from what we heard, it's only reasonable that you ran away from your shitty, asshole of a father." The smoking one commented.

"So what do you say? Wanna come live with me and my siblings? We can also protect you!" The black haired said.

"It would be delightful......Sano-san was it?"
"Please, just call me Shinichirou. I'm not good with formality." Sano-sa—I mean— Shinichirou-san said.
"Thank you Shinichirou-san!" You stood up and bowed, causing Shinichirou to blush.

"Hey! We helped saved you as well! How come only Shinichirou gets the thanks," the stripped one said.
You laughed at this and said "Sorry, thank you too, Wakasa-san, Takeomi-san!"

It seems that they've successfully gained your trust.

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