Chapter 28- I'm screwed....

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"How's Draken/Whats his condition!?!!?"

You and Mitsuya both ran in asking, Peh-yan following right behind. "Mitsuya-kun! Y/n-san! Peh-yan-kun!" Takemichi calls. The three of you follow him to a hallway.

"So?! What's his condition?!" you hurriedly asked Takemichi, wanting to know if your friend is ok. 'I can't lose another one. HE can't lose another one....' you thought as you wait for Takemichi to speak.

While you were waiting to hear Draken's condition, you first had to wait for Takemichi to explain what happened to Mitsuya and Peh-yan. "So?! What's his condition now?!" you asked impatiently. "Well... before we got to the hospital.... he... his pulse was already...." Takemichi said with tears in his eyes. And by the tone of it, you lost hope.


You turn to see Mikey, walking towards the four of you, very calmly. Almost too calm. "Mikey-kun! Draken-kun is-!!!!" Takemichi tried telling him, only to receive a calm response. "Yeah, I heard. Where is the waiting room?" he calmly asks. "Mikey!!!" Emma cried, you quickly rush to hug her. "Shhh...... it's alright.... he's gonna be fine...." you whispered to her, while Mikey just sat down, with a blank expression. "Mikey!!!/Mikey I..." Mitsuya tried calling out, while Peh-yan tried apologizing.

"You're being way too loud. We're in a hospital, so keep it down" he gently scolds. "...Ken-chin... has always kept his words since we were little. So, he's not gonna die here. He promised to stay by my side and rule the whole country together......and he's never break that. That'd be dishonest" he said. "So, Emma, Mitsuya, Peh-yan, Takemichi, n/n.... believe in Ken-chin" he finishes. "Also, n/n, you should probably put on some clothes. Don't want you catching a cold and people groveling you like pigs now do you?" he tries to joke.

That seemed to calm everyone down, even getting a few laughs, but you could see that Mikey's whole speech was just a facade. You know he's just trying to hold it all in, by acting he's fine. But you can see it in his eyes, he's not fine, he's worried.

Finally, after hours of waiting, the operation sign turns off. You all stand up nervously, hearts beating at an abnormal speed, waiting for the doctor to say the news of your friend. "...we... managed to stop his life from ending. The operation was a success" the doctor stated.

The minute he said those words, relief, happiness, and tears fill you. Everyone cheered, Takemichi being the loudest, Emma crying, and Mitsuya trying to keep them done despite his own urge. But out of the corner of your eye, you can see Mikey, slowly creeping away from all the ruckuses. Worried, you decide to follow him.

Your pov:

I saw Mikey slowly walking away. Following my instinct, I followed him. 'Where the hell is he going?' I thought as I followed hm to the back of the hospital, where he's now leaning against the wall. And he suddenly falls down.... "Thank god......" I hear him say. 'I knew it......' I thought as I watch him cry. 'He was putting up a mask...'

"Mikey......" I called to him. He looks up at me. "Ken-chin...." he sniffles. I went to hug him. "I know.... you did good assuring the others...." I comforted, "you were great. You were strong enough to hold it until now.... so let it all out...." Mikey continued to cry, "he can't worry me like that...." he whined, muffled by my neck. "Yes, I know. You got hurt the most.... more than anyone...." This continued for a few more minutes until he finally stopped and was ready to go home.

"Now why don't you take Emma home first? I have some business to take care of" you ask him. "...ok..." Mikey replied, hesitating a little. "I know you won't be able to sleep, I won't be gone for too long. And when I get home, I'll tuck you in ok?" you assured him. He nods and goes towards the exit. Once you had made sure he was gone, you turned towards a certain direction.

"Come out Mitchy."

Takemichi pov:

(A/n: We're gonna back track a little)

'Hm? Mikey-kun?' I was about to celebrate with the rest of Toman with the news of Draken, until I noticed that Mikey wasn't anywhere. "That's weird... Where did he go?" I thought outloud as I run around the hospital. 'Hm? Ah!' I found him. "Mi-!" I stopped myself when I saw Mikey's state. He then slides down and crouched there. "...that god..." I made out. 'He was putting on a brave face for us... to help cheer everyone up....' I finally realized, 'that's right, he suffered the most. The one who suffered the most was Mikey all along....' Then I saw y/n go hug him. She seems to be comforting him.

'So I guess Draken-kun and y/n-san are his pillars of support...... wait. Then where's y/n-san in the future?! If Draken-kun had died.... then wouldn't y/n-san be there for him??? I have so many questions. Like, wtf?! I have to ask Naoto about this!!!!'

I guess I was too in thought to notice Mikey leaving. Then a voice had snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Come out Mitchy."

Shit. I'm screwed......

3rd pov:

You were standing right where you were, calling out to Takemichi who you noticed was listening in. "Don't just hide. I saw your hair" you called out again. This time, he comes out, looking very nervous. "Say, didn't you know it's not nice to eavesdrop?" you ask him, in menacing tone. "Y-y-y-yes y-y/n-s-san! I-I-I d-didn't m-mean to" he stuttered. "Hmmmm...... good to know......" you skeptically said. "But that's beside the point. The reason I called you was because......"


"Because I want to who you really are" you finished. "Huh?" Takemichi looked at you, confused. But on the inside, he was panicking. "Don't act innocent. I saw you during the fight. You were frantically looking if you're searching for something. Or rather, someone. Care to explain?" you asked him. And if looks could kill, the glare you're giving Takemichi might just make him shit his pants. "It seemed like you knew that Draken was going to get stabbed. So, I'll ask you this: Who. Are. You." you pressed. By this point, Takemichi is sweating. He doesn't know how to answer you.

"Ummmm there's a perfect explanation for all this?" Takemichi answers you, very scared for his life right now. "Are you sure? Or are you just trying to act all hero?" you continued, amused at how he's gonna explain all this.

"Well the thing is....." he starts. 'Wtf am I going to do?!!??!? Ahhh!!! How do I escape this??!?!?!' Takemichi is now full on panicking, not knowing what to say.

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