Chapter 32- Trip to Roppongi

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As you arrived in Roppongi, you immediately started walking around. Hoping to catch two certain someone's attention.

'I swear, why am I even going through all this fucking trouble....' you frustratedly thought as you walk through the streets of Roppongi. 'All these people are making me claustrophobic.'

As you walked, you ignored the presence that has been following you ever since you've stepped into Roppongi.

-1 hour later-
You were annoyed. Not only have you been trying to ignore the guy that keeps following you for the past hours, but you were also tired from walking around to find the two damn brothers. 'Surely they must've gotten the news that I'm fucking here by now!!!! I'm even wearing my fucking uniform to make it obvious!!!!' you yelled in your head.

Having enough, you discreetly walked into an alleyway. 'If I can't find those brothers, I might as well find out my stalker.'

And just like that, the said stalker, or should I say stalkers, followed you right in. Turning to them, you gave them a deadpanned expression. "Why are you following me?" you straight up asks them. "Why are you on our turf, Shadow?" they ask back.

"'Our turf'? I'm guessing you work for those two brothers then? Cause if you are, I'm gonna need you to take me to them" you tell the group. "Who said we worked for them? Bitch, this side of Roppongi is ours!" the 'leader' of the little group exclaimed.

"Look, as much as I want to play game with you, I just need to finish my business with the two brothers and then I'll leave. I won't even bother you, alright?" You started to walk away, but a hand pulls you back. "Nah, I could care less about what you're gonna do. I want to know if rumors are true, that the almighty Shadow is really just a weak girl under that hood" he said and started extending his hand towards your head.

Pissed. You are seriously pissed now. 'First Osanai and now him?!!?! Who the FUCK started that rumor?! I'm gonna fucking kill them!' Having enough of this, patience all ran out, you smacked his hand away and punched him. "I don't know who started that shitty rumor... but you are testing my patience here. Try anything else and its bye bye to your dick" you threatened, pulling out a pocketknife and pointing it to his crotch.

"You really think I'd be scared of you? You're just one person! And I have a whole team! You don't stand a chance" he boasted. "Cocky bastard" you muttered.

Getting into a fighting stance, you were ready to knock him, and anyone who's blocking your path, down. However, before you could, the voice of the ones you were so desperately searching for popped up.

"Oiya? What's this? A bunch of nobodies teaming up against the Shadow?" the older Haitani humored. "Brother, why is there nobodies on out turf?" the younger one tsked. "Shit!" "It's the Haitani brothers!" "What do we do?!" the group panicked.

"What do you mean 'what do we do'?! There's more of us than them! We fight!" the leader hollered and rushed for the brothers along with his group, forgetting about you. 'Bitch, what am I? A fucking roach?! You're just gonna ignore me after all that?!' you thought as you watch the Haitani brothers beat the group up with ease.

Not even minutes later, only the two Haitanis stand while the others either lay on the floor passed out, or with broken bones. "Now that that's dealed with, what can we do for you, Shadow." The elder Haitani turned to you with blood adoring his face. "Let's go to a more private place. We could easily be heard here, especially with these guys" you gestured towards the group. "Fair enough. C'mon Rindou" the older one called to the younger. "Where are we going brother?" Rindou asked. "Our house of course" Ran smiled, "let's go! it's only a little walk from here" he enthusiastically said, pulling both you and Rindou along.

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