Chapter 21- Girls Day

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While Draken and Mikey went out, I was stuck with Emma. And you might think 'oh, it's not that bad' right? Well, you haven't seen how she gets when it's only us.....

"Come on y/n! Let's go out!" she whines. "For the last time Emma, no. I need to think of a plan against them" I repeated, for the umpteenth time.

"But that's all you ever do now! Ever since....." she trailed off. I just ignored her and continued to focus plan.

Oh boy.... I really shouldn't have done that.....

Just then, Emma started throwing a tantrum. Yes, a tantrum. She was crying and shouting saying how I never gave time for her and always spent it with Mikey, which might I say, was totally untrue.

This went on for around 10 minutes before I finally gave up. "Alright Emma, what do you want us to do then?" I ask her.

She immediately stopped and looked at me. ".....what?" she questions. "Since you want us to spend some time, what do you want us to do?" I ask her again.

It took her a few minutes to think, before looking at me with stars in her eyes.

"Let's have a girls day out!" she exclaimed, "it would be so much fun! And we could...."

I zoned out from the rest. She wants a girls day. A. Girls. Day.

Fuck. "Uh.... How about we do something else yeah? Maybe.... you can play with my ears and tail the whole day?" I suggest to her, cause anything, ANYTHING, is better that going out for a girls day.

"Hmph! It's either girls day or I cry the whole day!" Emma snaps at me. Im starting to regret not going with Mikey now......

"How many more are there?! I'm getting tired" I whined. "There's just maybe 10 more! It'll be quick!" she replied.

Yep, I said yes to the girls day. I've been at the mall with Emma for around 3 hours now. And let me tell you, those hours were TORTURE.

I was dragged around the whole mall by Emma, forced to try on dresses by her cause, and I quote, "your wardrobe is too boring". Having a wardrobe of oversized hoodie and sweatpants are good! At least they're comfy.

"So, what about this one?" Emma asks me as she tried on yet another dress. "It looks lovely....." I choked out. "Mmmm, no. It's just, it's not my style." With that, she went back in and changed into another outfit. This repeat about 5 more times before she finally decides to get something.

"Finally, we're done...." I mumbled. But, I can't help but smile at how happy Emma looked. I just wish Mikey could also be like her and not bottle everything up....

"Hey Emma, you hungry?" I ask her. She thought for a second before saying yes and asking what to eat. "I know a good place near here, let's go there and take a rest. Then we can go home and you can play with my *cough* ears and tail *cough*, how does that sound?"

She nods and away we go. But while we walked, I noticed a presence that seemed to be following us. So I pulled Emma quicker. Lone behold, so did the presence.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, I told Emma to go find a seat while I run to the restroom. When she was out of sight, I went towards the persons and they seem to back away.

When I was in front of them, who I saw was......

Takemichy's girlfriend?!

"Oh! Um..... hi?" she awkwardly greets. "Hello" I greeted back with monotone. "Why were you following us?"

"Uhhhh welllll...... y-you see...." she avoids eye contact. "I see what? Spit it out" I demanded. That seemed to scare her and she quickly uttered "Iwantedtoknowwhatyourrelationshipwifhemmawas." "Beg your pardon?"

She took a deep breath, and this time slowly said " I just want to know what your relationship with Emma was." "And who are you to ask me that?" I ask her.

"I'm Emma-chan's friend!" She exclaimed loudly, "and I'm just concerned for her." There was silence between us. I was desperately trying to hold in my laughter when she said she was concerned for Emma. I guess Emma didn't tell her I was her sister, matter of fact, I don't think she even knows I'm a female! Well, I guess with my hood up, you can't really tell.

"Well then," I decided to break the silence, "why don't come with me to see Emma? Then you'll know my relation with her." And she hesitantly nodded.

We then entered the restaurant and I saw Emma sitting by the window. I went over to her with Takemichy's girlfriend behind me. "Finally, what took you so long?" Emma asked me. "Gomen gomen! I seem to ran into one of your friends and decided to invite them to join us" I told her, and moved out of the way do she could see her.

"Hina?!" Emma exclaimed.

Hina pov:
I was strolling through the mall when I saw a hooded figure and Emma walking together. And being the bestie that I am and assuming the worst, I followed them.

They went into a restaurant, but then the hooded figure came out and made a beeline straight towards my direction. I was cornered.

"Um..... hi?" I greeted them. They just emotionless you said hello and asked me why I followed them. Not wanting to be suspicious, I just told them that I wanted to know their relationship with Emma.

After a little more interaction, they invited me to come find out for myself. Concerned for my bestie, I followed.

But when I got there, the scenario was completely different. It's almost as if.... they were on a date?! I kept thinking all possible scenarios of what could've happened before Emma basically screamed my name.

"Hina?!" she exclaimed. To which I just quickly went to her. "Emma! Are you ok? Who's this? Are you on a date? Didn't you tell me you like Draken?" I whispered, bombarding her with questions. But I guess I wasn't exactly quiet since the hooded person was laughing.

Your pov
When Emma called out her name, she seemed to snap out of her trance and immediately bombarded her with questions. I'm guessing she thought she was whispering since she seemed quite shocked when I laughed loudly at her questions.

"I-I'm sorry pft... b-but.... ahaha..." I tried explaining through laughter, but failed miserably. So Emma did the explaining, well, more like clarify. "Oh no no no no no! She's my sister! We're just out for a girls day!" She happily explained.

"Oh.... heh...." the girl looked away. "I'm sorry for assuming!" she bowed. "No, it's fine. I get it. You're just worried for Emma. I just wished you would've asked instead of following us" I told her.

"Wait, you followed us?!" Emma asked her. "Ah um..... anyways, my name is Tachibana Hinata. But you can just call me Hina" she said, desperately trying to change the conversation.

After the whole misunderstanding, Hina joined us for the rest of our time before we had to go home. Once we did, we went to Emma's room and I transformed into a fox.

"When we're you able to do that?" Emma asked me. "I always did. Just never done it too much since it kind of takes energy" I answered her.

After that, we just watched a movie, with me curled up on her lap. And that marks the end of our girls day. I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought.

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