Chapter 26- festival disaster pt. 2

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Mikey looks pissed.

That's all you could think once you saw him hop off his bike. "I see now" he calmly says. "I got called out somewhere Ken-chin could be attacked. Then it's be my fault that Toman would split in two, right?" You look to Peh-yan, not believing he would do such a thing.

"I'm just doing it for Pah!!!" Peh yells. "But even so, this is not your style Peh. Who tempted you?" you asked him. You know how much Peh always treasured Pah, they were two peas in a pod.

Silence enveloped you guys, and only the sound of rain could be heard; however, all was interrupted by a certain zombie.

"Wow. What a surprise. Mikey isn't all brawn and Toman has a girl commander.... How dull...." he commented. "And you are?" Mikey asks. "Doesn't matter who I am. But I'm in charge of Moebius for the moment. The names Hanma" he introduced. 'Bitch, did you not just say it wasn't important for us to know your name?' you thought.

"So you're the old nasty creep lord behind all this?" Mikey goes up to him. "You're such a pain in the ass, Mikey-cha-*kick*-n" Hanma smiled.

'There ain't no way he blocked his kick!' you cheered internally. But what you saw seemed to differ, and from the others reactions, neither did they.

"HE BLOCKED MIKEY'S KICK?!" both Mitsuya and Takemichi exclaimed. While you were worrying about Mikey. Mikey was never blocked before you, so having someone else that's also able to block it is a shocker.

"...AND TEAR YOU APART!!!" Hanma yelled, shaking you out of your thoughts. "Moebius's entire gang! 100 people! Versus five people from Toman!" he continues. 'Wait, five?' you turn around, 'oh. He counted Takemichy too....'

"Take the three commanders......and kill them all" he said with a smile. Meanwhile, our dear Takemichi is panicking inside his head.

                     Vroom vroom

"Phew..... just in time" Mitsuya exhales, and then a bunch of Toman members start to show up. 'Oh fuck' you thought as you see the members come piling in. 'I should've wore legging underneath instead....'

"Infighting's not really my thing...." Mutou said, looking bored. "But if we're against Moebius, thenI can go all out!" Smiley exclaimed. 'Those two are the complete opposite, how do they even get along?' you thought as you watch more and more Toman members getting off their motorbikes.

"We brought all of Toman motherfuckers!" Baji states, tying his hair into a ponytail. "Who wants to die first♡" "Peh! You're going down!" Mucho and Smiley followed. Peh-yan is now panicked, "shit...." he mumbled. He wanted to step back, but was held in place by the head by Hanma. "Now things are getting interesting ♡."

"A big brawl on the day of the festival...." Draken staggers, "really gets my blood pumping!" "Stay the fuck down you tall ass gorilla! You're gonna get more hurt!" you warned. "Right Mikey?" he ignores. 'This bitch-' you thought, an irk mark appearing.

"Haha... Let's do this!!!" Mikey laughs out, running in. "Kill 'em all!!!" Hanma exclaimed amongst the battle cry of people.

People immediately started running towards you, think you were an easy target. "How about this love? You ditch them and come with us. You won't get hurt AND you'll be pleasured" one of the guys said with a smirk. "Hmm.... No thanks. I would rather die" you replied, punching him in the guts. And then you kicked him in the no no part since he disgusted you.

As more and more started coming in, you started to get tired. Resulting in you getting tackled to the floor, but you were quickly saved by a certain dumbass. "*whistles* looking nice n/n!" he complimented. "Shut your traps and focus on the fight!" you yelled, now back to back with Baji. "Damn, can't take a compliment?" he sarcastically said, to which you just ignore. Minutes passed as more people lay on the ground, but one particular shout catches your attention.

"DRAKEN-KUN!!!" you heard. You turn towards the voice and sees Takemichi, kneeling next to an unconscious Draken. "Takemitchy! What happened?!" Mikey yells through the crowd. "D-Draken-kun.... He's... he's been stabbed!!!" he yells. 'No.... There's no way...' you thought, punching every Moebius member that's in your way as you went towards them.

You saw Mikey trying to get to them as well, but got held back by Hanma. "Mikey!!!" you yelled, "focus on fighting!!! I'll make sure Takemichi and Draken gets to safety!!!" With that, you ran towards Takemichi and checked Draken's pulse. "He's still alive.... Mitchi! Hurry up and bring him with you, we're getting him to a safer place!" you ordered, and Takemichi immediately follows.

You guys started leaving the parking lot, with you punching anyone who tried to stop you guys and Takemichi carrying Draken on his back. Once you guys had left, you heard Draken coughing. "Draken-kun?! You're gonna be ok!!! I'll save you, I swear!!!" Takemichi exclaimed. 'Save? What? Why does he sound like he knew this was gonna happen?' you thought after you heard him scream those words.

"Takemichi-kun!!! Y/n-san!!!"

You look to see Emma and Hina running towards you two. "The ambulance has already been called!" Hina yells. "How's Draken?!" Emma hurriedly asks, placing his head on her lap. "He's alright, not dead. Calm down" you reassured her. While consoling Emma, a small group started walking towards you guys. You recognize one of them to be the pervert who tried to hit on you. 'Kishiki? Ki....lala? Kiyomama???' you were trying to remember his name.

"Well, what do we have here?! Draken-chan, you ain't dead yet?!" one of them exclaimed. "The duck are you doing here pussymichi?!" another yelled. "Why're your out here shit head? Oi, get me the duct tape. It's time for a do over" he smirks. 'Damn, they got thing for Mitchy or something?' you thought as you witnessed this.

*cough cough*

You look down to see Draken, awake and panting. "Takemitchy" he called out. "Draken....kun?" Takemichi looks back. "Thanks Takemitchy...." he said as he tried to sit up. "Take Hina-chan and Emma, and run" he said. 'Bitch, you ain't gonna add me? Damn, ok. See if I help your ass next time' you mentally curse at him.

You look at Takemichi, his face only said one thing: fear. You understood why Draken had told him to run. He's a wuss. A complete pussy and newbie to fighting. He'll only hurt himself more. "Listen to him Mitchy. I can handle these bunch" you said. "Hah?! What can you do?!" one of the minions exclaimed. "Yeah, what are you gonna do? Throw your shoe at us?" Another laughed. "Hey.... Aren't you that chick I was hitting on? Say, why don't you come with us and have fun? This time, no one will interrupt" Kiyo-bitch smirked.

Oh how much you just want to kill him right then and there, but there's witnesses. And one thing you were taught back at the mansion, was to never kill with witnesses. So you just glared at him, waiting for Takemichi to take Hina and Emma and leave.


The sudden yell startled you. "Damn I'm pathetic!!!" Takemichi yelled. You looked at him, bewildered. 'Is he drunk???? Wtf was that?' you thought. "Hina, stay back" Takemichi said while shielding Hina. He then walks up to Kiyomasa and stands right in front of him.

"The fuck your looking at? You wanna die you little shit?" Kiyomasa mocked. And Takemichi only muttered one word, "Revenge."

Yes, I'm making this into three parts.

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