Chapter 25- the festival disaster

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"Ow!!! Can you be a little more gentle Emma?!" I irritatedly hissed at Emma.

"But you need to be perfect!" she whined. "I'm just gonna be a fucking third wheel for you! Let me go!!!" I told her. "What do you mean? Your not gonna be a third wheel, Takemichi and Hina's gonna be there too!" she said. "Fuck! Then I'm a fifth wheel! That's even worse!!!!" I exclaimed as Emma finishes up my hair.

"C'mon, it won't be that bad! You might just find a date!" she says as she went to get our yukatas. "I don't wanna hear that from someone whose got a crush for years and is too afraid to admit it. And also, Im NOT gonna wear that fucking yukata!" I told her. "But...." she starts.

"Nah ah. No buts. I'm wearing my hoodie. Besides, you know how dangerous it could be if someone hunting me saw my face. It could put you in danger!" I said. "Just one night? Please???" she pleaded with puppy eyes.

I looked away. I'm not falling for it, I'm not gonna fall for it. "Hmph. Then you leave me no choice" Emma finally says. "What do you mean?" I asked. Then, she pounced on me, forcing the yukata on me. "Ack! Emma- sto- th- I'm- not gonna- tak- it off-" I tried to say between assaults from Emma. 5 minutes later, I stood there with a yukata on me and a happy Emma.

"There we go" she happily exclaimed while I just stood there, pouting. "Now then, help me with mine!"

~time skip~

"Hina!" Emma calls, "sorry we made you wait! Someone was being difficult" she said, glaring at me with that last statement. "It's fine, let's go meet up with Takemichi and Draken. They might already be there" Hina says. And then we took off, well, more like I got dragged while the other two walked.

"Sorry we took so long!" Hina said when Takemichi and Draken were in view. "We've been waiting forever" Draken commented. "We wouldn't have taken so long if a certain someone didn't struggle" Emma said with a sweet smile. I just glared at her, knowing that statement was made towards me.

-a few minutes later-

I've walked away from both couples. Honestly, it's just suffocating at how much love they show. Like, hello? Respect the single one here. But that probably wasn't the best idea since now I have a tone of people trying to hit on me. At some point, I just got tired of it and decided to sit until Emma called me.

"Hello there beautiful, what are you doing here all alone?" a voice asked, I just ignored it. But they were persistent. "Come on. Why sit here alone when you can have me with you?" They kept on ranting and ranting, until someone else came in and interjected.

"Can't you see she's not interested?" he said. "Hah? Who the fuck are you?" the guy asked. "Just someone who was passing by" he answered. "Then mind your damn business! Do you know who I am?!" the other guy yelled in his face. "I'm Kiyomasa! From Toman!"

'Since when did Toman have him? .....Oh wait, it's the guy who was holding those under ground fights! Pfft, he doesn't even know his third commander is the chick he's trynna pull' I thought as I watched the whole scene play out.

"Okay? And did I ask?" the stranger said. I bursted out laughing right there and it seemed to have gotten on Kiyomasa's nerves. But before he could retort back, his phone rang. He answered and was then off, but not before bidding me a cringey goodbye.

"Well that was anticlimactic" I thought out loud. "What? Would you rather we fight?" the stranger asked. "Meh. I would've kicked his ass if you didn't show up" I stated. "That's how you treat your savior?" the guy asked in a joking tone. "No, that's how I treat strangers" I replied, with the same joking tone.

"Anyways, I'm Daiki Izumi. Pleasure to meet you my lady" he introduced. "And it's not so pleasure to meet you, Mr.Daiki" I joked. "Well that's mean. May I at least have the pleasure of your name? Ms?" "Sano" I answered. "No first name?" he asked. "Don't wanna tell you" I answered.

Just then, my phone rang. I checked to see Emma calling. Thinking it's her asking for me, I answered. "Moshi moshi? Emma?" "y/n! Hurry and come to the parking lot! It's Draken!!! He...." Emma cried. "What? What happened?!" I asked, getting more worried by the second. "H-he got h-hit i-in the h-h-head!!!" she cried. "Shit! Hold on! I'm on my way" I hurriedly hung up and turned to Daiki.

"Sorry Daiki, but an emergency came up. Gotta go now, bye" I said to before turning around and leaving him.

3rd pov:
Because y/n left so quickly, she didn't hear Daiki's reply........nor did she see his smile. "It seems I've finally found you love..... it'll only be a matter of time before I get you in my hands" he muttered, with a crazed smile.

"Hey ______" Daiki called, "you were right. We've got a deal."

Back to you

You were almost there when it had started to rain. But once you did, you did not like the sight you saw. Draken was surrounded, with blood running down from his head. Then you spotted Emma and quickly went over to her.

"Emma!!!" you shouted. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" You were quick to check for injuries, but there were none. "I'm fine y/n-nee.... It's just Draken I'm worried about....." she sullenly said. Seeing her so sad broke your heart, so you did what you always done when she felt sad.

You made faces. And Emma just looked at you before turning away. Seeing it didn't work, you went to your second resort: comfort. "I know you're worried Emma, but it's gonna be okay" you sweetly said. "I'm gonna go help him, will you be alright here?" you asked her. She nods her head and you took of your yukata.

"Wait.... What are you doing?" she asks. "How do you expect me to fight in a yukata?" you answered. "But you don't have anything underneath!!! Have some decency!" she scolded. This puts a smile to your face, Emma is back.

"I'll be fine. I have a sports bra and shorts on" you reassured, and then you went ahead into the parking lot. By the time you got back, you saw a bunch of bodies lying on the floor, Draken sitting on the floor, and Mitsuya and Takemichi in front of moebius members and Peh-yan.

You quickly run in, shocking Draken and Mitsuya. "Woah there peh. What's up with this?" you ask him. "Hah? Who the fuck are you? And how do you know me?" he asked. "Oh sorry, *makes voice deeper*, how about now?" you asked.

A/n: if y'all are confused, y/n would make her voice deeper whenever she speaks. But it hurts her throat so she doesn't do it often and remains quiet most of the time. She does this because she needs to hide her identity as mentioned before. Now back with the story.

"That voice.... Commander?!" Peh yelled, surprised. "Took ya long enough" you said. "Hah? Peh-yan, I thought you said he was your only commander? What's this bullshit?!" some guy yells. "Whatever! Just Take 'em out. All of them!" Peh orders, looking nervous.

But before any of them could move, you all heard a sound. "Hmph! About time!" Draken said with a smile. "That exhaust sound..." Mitsuya followed. "It's Mikey's CB250T" you finished with a smirk.

Just as you said that, Mikey came swerving in on his bike, looking pissed.

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