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It was one word that would change little Izuku Yagi's life: "Quirkless." In the superhero society he lived in, this was pretty much a death sentence.

Izuku and his twin sister, Izumi, were both due for their quirks. The two were some of the last in their class to receive their powers. Concerned, the four-year-olds' parents decided to see a specialist.

Strapping the kids into their car seats, Inko and her husband, Toshinori, pulled away from their house and headed towards the hospital in hopes of answers.

"I wonder what quirks we're gonna get! I hope I get one like All Might! That way, I can beat all the bad guys and always save the day!" Little Izuku said, holding his All Might action figure into the air.

Toshinori couldn't help but smile at his son's antics; it was going to blow his little mind when they told them. He lightly chuckled to himself when he looked over to his wife, who gave him a knowing look.

"Yeah! I hope I get one better than Kacchan!" Izumi replied, referencing their best friend who had gotten his impressive quirk a month prior.

Both parents chuckled at their enthusiasm, while the twins bickered back and forth about who would get the better quirk. Finally, they arrived at the hospital. Unbuckling, the whole family trotted inside.

About an hour had passed while the family waited for the results on the kids' quirks. Both children were damn near vibrating in anticipation. Izumi was restless, beginning to become demanding as the time ticked by.

"What is taking so long? I wanna know!" she cried out, tugging at her father's shirt.

"Just be patient, dear; it takes time! It's very important, so the doctor needs to make sure everything's right!" Inko replied, looking away from her magazine.

Another 10 minutes passed before the door opened, and the doctor slowly made his way inside.

"I apologize for the delay; there was a complication that we needed to identify regarding your children's quirks," he stated matter-of-factly, the short man climbing into a chair to look at the family.

"What kind of complications?" Inko said, afraid for the well-being of her kids.

"Are they alright?" Toshinori continued.

"They are both healthy, rest assured, but I do unfortunately bring bad news. While your daughter, Izumi, does have a quirk gene, it's possible that her body just needs some more time to develop and manifest her quirk. Izuku, however, well, he more than likely will not receive a quirk," he replied dryly; it wasn't often he gave a quirkless diagnosis, and it was always troublesome.

"Wait, are...are you saying he's quirkless?!" Inko nearly shouted at the short man!

Izuku froze at the words, his hands beginning to tremble in anxiety. A hand was placed on his shoulder; turning to look, Izuku saw his father giving him a wide smile.

Sighing, the doctor continued, "Unfortunately, yes. I performed several tests to confirm this. Izuku both possesses a second joint in his pinky toe, most common with the quirkless population. Not only that, but after performing a secondary blood test, Izuku does not currently, nor will he likely form quirk genes," he pushed his strange glasses up his nose, studying the family for a reaction.

"I... I can... but Izumi! She'll have one right?!" Inko cut herself off before looking at the doctor again with fear and urgency.

Toshinori gripped Izuku's shoulder a little tighter, letting the boy know he was there; he was worried when Izuku's face was unreadable and unresponsive, his action figure slipping from his hands.

"Yes, based upon my tests, it's more than likely that she will possess a quirk similar to your own, based upon the similarities in both of your quirk genes. I would give an estimate of another few weeks to a month until she manifests it," he gave a semi-sympathetic look to Izuku before turning back to Inko.

"Oh, thank god! You hear that, Izumi! Just a little bit longer!" She clutched her chest in relief, turning to look at her daughter.

"Yay! I hope it's super cool!!" She beamed at her mother and father.

"Thank you, doctor. Is there anything else we should know?" Toshinori asked, picking up Izuku and placing him on his lap, just letting the boy know it's okay.

"That should be all for right now. I recommend you come back after Izumi here manifests her quirk just to run some follow-up tests, but other than that, you're free to go home," he gave a soft smile before jumping from the chair and escorting the family out.

Izumi was ranting and raving about her quirk and what it might be. With Inko doing the same alongside her, holding her hand and swinging it back and forth as they walked through the halls.

"Toshi, I wonder what it could be! He said it's similar to mine, so she'll have a form of telekinesis!" She was ecstatic about the idea, so caught up in her daughter and with Toshi handling Izuku, she figured she'd talk to Izuku later.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be great! I'm so proud of you, Izumi! And you too, Izuku!" Trying to cheer up his son, who's still held the same dead expression. "Hey, bud, wanna know a secret?" He asked his son, watching as the boy's empty eyes turned to look at him, bringing his hand to cup over Izuku's ear, Toshinori whispered.

"I'm quirkless too!" Izuku was stunned, looking at the man who gave him a wide smile.

"Can I still be a hero...?" Izuku sheepishly asked, horrified of the potential answer.

"Is that what you want?" Toshi asked.

"More than anything..." Izuku nearly had tears in his eyes as he trembled.

Toshinori couldn't lie to himself; he was horrified by the idea of Izuku becoming a hero. It was a dangerous enough job with a powerful quirk, let alone without one. But right now, his son needed hope! And needed to believe in himself!

"I won't lie to you, buddy; it'll be really hard. You'll have to work ten times harder just to keep up with everyone. But if that's what you want, then if you put your little great mind to it, then you'll be the greatest quirkless hero this world has ever seen!" He gave his signature smile, and while he was afraid, he'd be damned if he didn't help his boy achieve his dreams! He still had One For All, and while he didn't want to make the choice of a personal decision, if Izuku showed the dedication and the heart, then he shall be his successor! He'll be there every step of the way!

Izuku hugged his father tight, a smile coming back to his face. While he worshipped All Might, it was his father who was his hero!

Inko tightly squeezed Izumi's hand, as she tuned out her daughter and listened to what her husband said to their son. 'How could he say that to him? A quirkless hero! His own injury should've been enough to convince him how ridiculous that was! Izuku would get himself killed!' Is what she thought to herself, incredibly angry at her husband's absolute recklessness and foolishness!

Making it back to the car, both kids were strapped in. Izumi kept drawing on about her quirk, while Izuku and Toshinori sat with content smiles. Inko, well, she was a mixture of happiness, disappointment, and anger.

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