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A few months had past since the twins diagnosis. Izumis quirk had awakened whilst Izuku remind without. Izumi possessed a form of strong telekinesis like what Inko had thought. In the months gone by Toshinori was finally able to convince his wife to allow both of the twins to partake in martial arts! Although swiftly after Izumi had gotten her quirk Inko removed her from the classes. Stating:

"Right now is more important than ever for her ti train her quirk! She already got it late and is behind the other kids. Martial arts can wait until she's stronger with it! I want both of us to help she needs to spend as much time as possible training it!"

Toshi was becoming worried at her increasing fanaticism tho he chocked it up to her sharing Izumis excitement. Asking what Izumi wanted to do she agreed to drop the classes as she wanted her quirk to be the best so that she could beat Katcchan!

Toshinori reluctantly agreeing Izumi was pulled from the classes and was taken under his and her mothers wings to control her quirk. Izuku was kept in the classes as he both expressed interest and knew he'd need it to be a great hero! Toshinori did not like the fact that they had been separated but understood the necessity of it, he was incredibly proud of both his children. Even if the martial art classes wouldn't really help Izuku until he was older starting now would be  great start for him!

At school Izukus life was already beginning to change in a few short months. Everyone looked at him differently, his teachers began to ignore his questions some looked at him with disgust and seemed just overall harder on him. Izuku didn't mind he figured this is what dad meant it'll be hard so that he can be even better! They were challenging him so that he'd work harder and be better that way!

What he didn't like is how his mom seemed to be doing it too. Whenever he talked to her about something he liked or wanted to do she always seemed very distant, as if distracted. Sometimes she even forgot to invite him when she played with Izumi. But he understood! Izumi needed a lot of care right now and as her brother he wanted her to be strong so that they could be heros together!

He also didn't like how mean Katcchan was getting, not to just him but to everyone he seemed upset all the time! Izuku just hoped he felt better soon.

One particular bad day was when Izuku read from one of the books for the third graders, while Katcchan couldn't. Katsuki didn't like how he felt when Izuku did better than him he really didn't like it.  Calling Izuku mean names, Katsuki was met with giggles and laughing from his classmates even the teacher giggled! Izumi however stiff up for her brother calling Katcchan a butt face. Twas a truly bloody all out war from there.

In that time Izuku found that he really like robots, almost as much as heros! They were just so cool! He loved watching any movies or shows he could find with them! He wanted to know how they worked. But to no real prevail, not even his dad knew! But he did say that he'd help Izuku learn how now that made the boy happy!

Inko also became increasingly more worried about Izuku as the months carried on, she would see how excited he was about martial arts class and being a hero in general! It terrified her, .and Toshi had only gotten worse with his encouragement as time went on. She needed a new tactic.

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