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Toshinori sat looking at his daughter, a saddened expression his face as he saw what she was holding.

"I haven't seen you go in there before." He asked trying to break the quickening awkward tension.

"I uh, I was looking for a phone charger. Saw this and figured it shouldn't sit and collect dust in there" Izumi said her eyes never quite meeting his gaze.

"It's okay to miss him Mimi, I do everyday" his look softened he could tell she was struggling in her own way.

She clutched the frame harder, her throat clenched shut and her eyes burned. She refused to break down over Deku! It was his own fault that he was hurt!

"Why would I miss him?! It's, it's just De-Izuku! Why should I care!" Her voice was chocked, she wasn't trying to convince him, she was trying to convince herself.

Toshinori was almost shocked, he could feel anger rise but he quenched the urge to lash out. Taking a deep breath his sunken eyes landed on his daughter. It was like with Inko, Izumi was deflecting to try and save herself from the pain. Pushing blame and getting angry to shelter her broken heart.

Taking a deep breath Toshi readied himself.
"I know what your feeling honey...angry that it happened at all, I am too trust me...but, but. We have to stay strong for when he comes home, it's only going to get harder and if we give up on him then how is he supposed to stay strong?" He'd pushed himself from the wall he was leaning on a soft smile forming on his lips.

Izumi looked up with utter rage in her eyes. She released a mixture of a scoff and a laugh before she spoke.

"Come back?! COME BACK? He's not coming back! We both know that! Everyone knows that! He's dead! He's gone! And he's never! Ever! Coming back!" She tried to storm past him but was stopped by his arm crossing in front of her, he then swiftly pulled her into a tight hug.

"No he's not, I know honey, I know how hard it is. That you don't want to accept what happened" he then pulled her in front of him, he crouched to a knee looking her in the eyes. "He's alive Mimi, despite everything that's happened he's alive! He's just hurt. We need to be here for him, to make sure he's got a home to come back to."

Izumi broke down, she launched into his arms a sobbing mess every pent up emotion launched out at once! She clutched and held him like someone who was drowning, she screamed and she wailed. Toshinori just held her close pulling her into his shoulder.

"B...B,but KatcChan said, he. He said that he's gone! That, that he wasn't going to wake up!"

"Well, Katsuki doesn't know everything"

Toshinori had to be a pillar for his family the foundation to hold it as long as he could, and when his knees buckled he'd still hold it. He had to fight every temptation to break down and lash out, he'd hold his family together until Izuku came home. Then they'd rebuild the foundation again.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now