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Everyone in the crowd shouted in unison when Shinsos sternum was impacted by the explosive blast. It wasn't of excitement or fear just shouts of shock! Everything seemed to slow as Shinso was thrown from the ring at a high speed..everything had gone so fast he hardly felt the impact, But he felt the air abandoning his lungs as his back met the wall.

Everyone remaind silent as Shinso slumped on the ground like a lifeless sack. A small crack where his body hit the wall. All except the boy who'd put him there.

"SHITTY USLESS WANNABE EXTRA!!!!!!!! WHOS THE WEAK ONE NOW EYE BAGS! HUH!!" Bakugo screamed! He looked as if he'd go on the attack again! He was hunched over with his hands popping with sparks. People began to whisper as the scene played out everyone too stunned to react even present mic was silent! Well everyone except a certain someone that is.

As soon as his brain registered the events his instincts kicked into high gear. He'd practically jumped over the students in front of him as he approached the stands railing. Without a second thought Izuku vaulted over the wall! Crashing down to the earth with a graceful roll before he broke into a full on sprint.

Directly toward Bakugo.

Izumi watched with a satisfied smile as the purple haired loser hit the wall. Silencing a laugh as Ochako covered her mouth in concern next to her. They watched as Katcchan began his rant! That's when she saw it. Across the arena in the stands stood the big metal guy with the mask. Something Obito? A thought of recognition flashed in her mind but was gone the next. Everyone was shocked as he ran forward and vaulted over the wall! Similar to the race he had a flawless landing before breaking out into a very fast sprint! Izumi nearly grabbed him with her telekinesis when she saw he was making a B line for Katcchan! The purple freak musta been one of his friends! Just as she was about to throw him away! He shoulder checked Katcchan as if he wasn't even there and continued his sprint to the downed kid.

Bakugo was grinning like a maniac as he watched the tall masked freak running at him! He wanted the excuse to put this wannabe loser in the ground! Ever since he thought he could compete with him! He lowered to the ground in anticipation....before the guy completely brushed past him.....his glowing green eye stared directly into his as he ran past....Bakugo could feel something from behind those eyes, pure and utter malice.

Izuku shoulder check Bakugo out of spite as he approached Shinso. From the impact and the fact that Shinso wasn't moving was a very big cause for concern!....he ran faster when he saw the blood trickle from his lips..sliding down Izuku slammed into the wall as he underestimated his speed. His heart was beating out of his chest as memories of the person in the ally played through his mind.

"Shinso! SHINSO! Can you hear me! It's....Obito! I need you to speak me to me man! Liz give me a diagnosis!" Izuku said trying to stir the slumped boy while he called to his companion over his shoulder. He dug around one of his pouches as he pulled out an enhaller looking device.

"Shit it's not good! Without a proper scan I can't tell you for certain but he could have anywhere from broken rips to a shattered spine. Whatever it is it's broken!" The familiar voice said in his ear. This was serious and he was out of options, taking a gamble Ozuku lifted Shinsos head to see the boys eyes wide and tearful as he sucked in shallow breaths with the blood leaking from his lips.

"Shit! Shinso can you hear me?! I need you to breath deep if you can even if it hurts!" Izuku placed the device into Shinsos mouth before pressing a button. A gas quickly filled Shinsos mouth as the dazed and afraid boy sucked in a deep breath, a ragged and raspy one at that. Almost instantly he felt more awake then ever! His gasped for deeper breaths as his head spasmed in pure adrenaline.

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