Izuku sat shaking. His body unresponsive to him as he sat frozen, his hands clutched into fists as blood roared in his ears. His lung and jaw were struggling to give life to the boy, he could barely hear the faint mumbling of his father who was yelling over the phone. Tears threatened his eyes yet he couldn't bring himself to let them fall...I mean he knew it was going to happen.
It had been a while since his father had been so angry. Izuku was right there with him, he wanted to scream and cry and throw a tantrum like Izumi. But deep down, in a place he pretends doesn't exist...exists a different desire.
To Break Someon-thing....."Pops! P.... OPS!....I-.....BREATH!" The sound cut through the noise like a knife as it reverberated his ear drums. Yes he could still hardly make out the sound.
There was a loud SNAP! As the arm of the chair Izuku was sitting on was crushed in the boys left hand. And nearly exploded in his right. His head was pounding and his body hurt all over, all at once he was experiencing absolute hell. Every bad moment in his life left on full display to bare witness and crumble away in.
Izuku's heart felt as if it was about to explode, everything he'd worked for, everything he'd suffered for, everything he'd fought tooth and nail for! Was crushed before he even got a chance. In a ruined state on the floor sat a UA heroics university, with words of rejection...to even preform the entrance exam. Under guise of Izukus injuries, the school had denied the young man of even attempting entrance to the hero course. UA also happened to be the only school in the country that would accept...someone like him. Izuku did not cry, he was done with crying now. Izuku seethed, his fury drove gaze nearly set the desk on fire as he repressed his rage.
"What's stopping you?"
Izuku ignored the intrusive thought as he stood from the table. His body felt weak, pain exploded everywhere old injuries feeling fresh. He didn't speak, he didn't breath, he simply walked away. The shouts of Toshinori rang into the house as he demanded justice, faded into obscurity as Izuku entered his workshop. Various designs for "upgrades" and potential supposed items say littered across nearly surface of the place. Before he could t decided which would help him the exam the most! Now he could hardly look at them. Elizabeth had gone silent, it was for the best really. She recognized that he needed most right now was alone time. Slowly shuffling across the room Izukus foot crashed into an object as he wasn't paying attention. It was his old wheelchair....he'd tucked it away under a workbench a while ago..simply staring for a second he tentatively reached out and grabbed a hold of the chair and pulled it from its resting place. Unfolding it Izuku slowly sat down in his once mobile confinement, he felt a terrible mixture of nostalgia and sadness when he rested in the contraption. Small tears finally fell down his eyes as he simply sat there. His heart felt hollow as he felt his biggest dream get absolutely obliterated in front of him...again. His goal the thing he'd basically been living for, ripped away. He felt so empty and hollow, no spark existed in his heart at that moment. He didn't even feel sad, he just felt nothing. Sliding his hand to his pocket Izuku grabbed ahold of the small bottle, grabbing it shakily he poured a small handful and dry swallowed them. He didn't want to be here for a minute, as he slowly felt his connection ti his body slip away, his body becoming numb Izuku fell asleep.
Toshinori was very close to destroying a large part of his house a good few too many times in the last hour! Never before had he wanted to throw someone into the sun before so badly! All of Nezus bullshit excuses infuriated the number one hero! Speaking to him as if he were stupid! Taking a deep breath he did his best to collect himself, turning his head he noticed the remnants of the chair Izuku was sitting in various splinters sitting across the floor. What was he supposed to say to Izuku?! How could he crush his dreams again! Why! Why did life refuse to give his son a break! WHY HIM! Toshinori silently cursed whomever was listening, whatever god gave this twisted fate. Running a hand through his hair Toshinori made his way to the garage in hopes of helping his son with however best he could. Reaching the makeshift workshop Toshinori entered to find an even bigger mess, various things sat scattered across the floor, in the centre of the mess sat Izuku.....Slumped over in his old wheel chair, asleep with tears coming from his eyes. It nearly broke Toshinori seeing his boy in such a state, not even in sleep did he get peace. Walking over his body expanded to match that of his heroic persona, gently picking his son up and out of the chair he furrowed his brow at the sound of something falling. Turning over Toshi saw a small bottle of pills sitting next to Izukus chair. Shaking his head and putting his focus in the task at hand AllMight carried his eighteen year old son to his make shift bed. Tucking him as if he were ten again...a friend formed across Toshinoris face as he stared at his son, the bitter fate he'd been dealt. But then an idea formed, a plan hatching in his mind the workshop fuelling its creation. It was a long shot, but it was chance. If they weren't going to let Izuku do the test to achieve his dreams...then maybe he could fight for it..quickly ruffling his boys hair Toshinori bent over and whispered to his unconscious son.
"I love you Izuku. You have made me so proud, you done so much by yourself so let me atleast do this for you. I believe in you buddy" grabbing his phone Toshinori turned off the light as he went to make a new phone call.
Izuku woke up the next day feeling as if he'd got hit by a train, his body was stiff and hurt worse than his martial arts classes. Trying to run the grogginess and confusion from his eyes Izuku was confused as to how he got onto the worn couch? Wincing as he stood his remaining ribs ached as he stood.
"Liz...what time is it?" He'd asked his Artificial child....he didn't receive a reply..actually limping his way to his main computer he'd seen the Liz was basically in stasis?. Basically subconsciously helping to bare the mental strain of his body. She was undergoing a personality core update? She more than likely would be unresponsive for the rest of the day...sighing deeply Izuku tried to stand up straight when a sudden pain of a pulled muscle in his back pulled him back to Igor status. Running a hand through his greasy hair Izuku decided to take a long and cold shower. Hobbling his way there he was constantly trying his best to ignore the memories of yesterday. Making his way into the bathroom, Izuku quickly undressed only to be shocked with the sight...he was littered in bruises and small cuts?!! Various purple welts littered his torso and arm! Inspecting closer he also found...blood, stuck between within his fingernails, and His eyes were bloodshot. What the hell happened last night?!
Authors note:
Hoho! Surprise ANOTHER ROAD BLOCK!!!! But seriously next chapter is gonna be UA start doncha worry! But I'm curious to see your theories about what's gonna happen going forward! Especially what y'all think happened with the ending! Anyway! Apologies for the kinda filler chapter? I should hopefully have another one up tomorrow! Stay baller my doods! :)

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)
FanfictionHeros aren't born they're built. (On Hiatus writers block sucks. But will return eventually)