Nezu stood with a large smile stretched across his face as he rocked on his heels. Oh what a very interesting event this turned out to be! Not only had this quirkless cripple managed to defeat some of the most versatile and powerful quirks of this generation...the little son of a bitch managed to hack into his broadcast system! Now that! That's truly what impressed the chimera! It was unfortunate they would not be able to celebrate his accomplishments.
"I truly hate to interrupt. I'm glad to see undeterred Izuku, I trust youre in good spirits!?" Nezu said with his usual chipper tone.
For a moment both Yagis stared at each other, some sort of telepathic communication obviously being transmitted between them.
" didn't interrupt anything important."
Izuku said dryly, not taking his eyes from his father."Good wonderful!" Nezu said making his way over to the hospital bed. "Now I have a couple things to bring to your attention, some very good and exciting! Others....well more unfortunate.." he continued beginning to clamber and crawl up the bed....
Eventually making his way to the top, the small vermin "principle" brushed off his well tailored suit of rinkles. Releasing a small pent up breath Nezu gave a cheerful smile and he waddled his way to Izuku.
"Ahem, I would like to begin with my most sincere and genuine congratulations for your exceptional performance. You are truly inspirational Izuku. Despite the abhorrent cruelties forced against you, I've seen your incredible drive in a small few, All of whom went on to do great things. So it is with my genuine pleasure to present you with this first place medal!!." Nezu said with a genuine smile pausing to hold out the proffered medallion. "Unfortunately due to the sudden system glitch, exposing one of our students preforming an act so heinous it could only be called villainous....we've been forced to postpone the official ceremony, for now. But it is with pride that I can say you are UAs official first ever quirkless champion!" He cheered! Everything had gone perfectly! Finally he had an undeniable reason to remove Bakugo from the Hero course despite the commission! But it just so happened that once everything was settled, there would be an open seat within 1A!
Izuku stared at the medal. Reaching his hand out he gently grabbed the medallion, despite how hard he fought....the little bitch still snubbed him! But at the same time Izuku couldn't exactly place all blame on, the lack of fan fair was but Izukus burden. Did this simple medal mean anything to him? Did he want the applause? Thinking back to the start of the tournament when the crowd cheered "his" name...but he decided that it did, that this small piece of gold. Would forever have meaning.
"If I may ask for one thing, Principal sir." Izuku said softly rubbing his thumb across the smooth metal.
"All things considered, I'd say you may ask for several things!" Nezu he began to climb on Toshinori? To the mans credit....he didn't even flinch?....and neither did Izuku.
"When it gets out...that I,won. I want...I want them to know I am quirkless." Izuku continued. Both Nezu and Toshinori froze, their heads snapping to attention.
"Zuke...-" Toshi started but was quickly cut off. "They'll underestimate me, they'll think that I'm weak...that I'm prey. I want them to, I want them to lower their guards. I want them to get cocky, I want them to loose because of, is that something you can do Nezu?" Izuku said still slowly rubbing the medal.
A large wolfish grin stretched across Nezus face at the reply, he could see the look in Izukus eyes. The jagged lines that stretched past them. In that moment staring at the massive teenager, Nezu could see all that laid beneath his broken body. His drive, determination, his anger. This was a boy who was prepared to face the world alone for what it did to him. Oh how positively interesting indeed.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)
FanfictionHeros aren't born they're built. (On Hiatus writers block sucks. But will return eventually)