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(This songs a banger)

Surprisingly things didn't change between Mei and Izuku....even though she could see most of his face, she treated him like mostly normal. He's seen her eyeing his hand like it was like the single most precious item on the planet.....she didn't bring it up but he could tell she wanted to ask very many questions and provide her.....trusted opinion. By the time the end of the day came Izuku was thankful that Mei was practically oblivious for the people around her. Even though she could see the mess that was his face she didn't care! It made what everyone else thought not matter for a while! He felt normal. Together in the span of two hours both Mei and Izuku had made half a dozen prototypes and various concepts for their prep to the sports festival. Originally the support class was supposed to consist on guided projects as the students learned to make support items and work on small projects as the years progressed.....Powerloader threw that out the window when he saw Izuku and Mei a fully functional miniature tank.....WITH A BOX OF SCRAP! WHEN THEY WERE FINISHED THEIR ASSIGNMENT! Originally Powerloader thought that these two supposed geniuses would be a great pair to really help bring out ideas.....he didn't realize he's created a instead of forcing them to learn what they already knew.....which then would cause reckless chaos as he tried to tame the chaos that was those twos minds! So instead of letting it bottle up and having Mei blow up the studio again.....he'd let them basically work on whatever they wanted as long as it was "on theme" that was the single biggest mistake of his career. Putting those two together was like handing a grenade to a baby. One who had the ideas of a max scientist! The other the capabilities of a mechanical surgeon, both of them with the insanity and drive to make those ideas reality. He was genuinely afraid for the world for when those two graduated.......and it was only the start of the second week....

Finally they were beginning to move some students into the resident dorms by courses....with the hero course going first.....but the support students wouldn't get their till the following week and the general a week after that and so on. Finally when the end of the day arrived Hatsumei we're forced from the studio and sent to visit Nezu...both were covered in oil and grease with cover alls positively ruined. While Mei just didn't give a shit, Izuku was hoping to get the rats office dirty.

As the two walked down the balls Mei was chatting about potential capture weapons, she'd come up with the "shock and drop" paten pending essentially it was a launcher that would fire small projectiles that would attach to the body causing electro conducted spasms in the body...basically it was more humane taser! Izuku was listening tentatively when suddenly...something grabbed his hand? Looking down he saw that Hatsumei without stopping had grabbed a hold of his hand and was inspecting the prosthetic? Out of reflex Izuku rip his hand away in fear, he didn't mean to but for some reason it felt like a betrayal like she broke an unspoken pact. But he paused when she stared as him questionably.

"Huh so you can feel through that one!? I had a feeling!!!it feels like an almost skin texture what did you use for that?!!!! Are youusingelectricalimpulsestocontrolthehandandbutthenhowwoulsyiubefeelingthroughthisone?ohdidyoumakesomekindofartificalnervesystem!!"
She had begun to ramble and for a split second Izuku could pity Powerloader, he'd seen what happen when the object of Hatsumeis attention was not allowed to be focused open it would bottle up....and she would explode. Mei hadn't betrayed him, she'd just grown so curious she couldn't help it. He could accept that, since he knew he kind of does the same. Mei kinda worked differently and she had been trying to contain herself to her credit.

Sighing swelling Izuku placed his hands on Hatsumeis shoulders before he closed his eyes....and lowered his scarf. Instantly Mei was silenced. He slowly opened his eyes to see a genuinely speechless Mei, she seemed to kinda go into an overload? Her brain was going so fast she physically could not produce words!

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