Recovery girl had finished her tests assuring that Izuku was as healthy he could be given the situation."Now sunny, you can't try and speak understand?" Izuku slowly nodded his head the action causing discomfort in his neck. "I'll get you pen pad for the time being ok?" Izuku nodded again, he was utterly exhausted but they wanted to keep him awake as long as possible.
"Toshi did you want me to have someone find Inko?" She asked the man.
"If you could, though I don't think we should wait" he said taking ahold of his sons hand.
"Okay Izuku, we have a lot of bad news to get through" Recovery girl said turning to the frightened boy and his father.
Inko sat rocking back and forth on the bathroom floor, she was quietly mumbling to herself . Tears still ran to her face but she gave no notice.
Day dreams of a younger Izuku pulling at her arm and dragging her towards a sandbox that also housed his sister. She smiled at the idea of playing with the kids again running through grass, going fishing with Toshi! She even saw them getting their quirks! Izumi got her incredible Telekinesis! And Izuku got a faux one for all! She watched as the kids grew older living out happy lives! Eventually she saw them become the number one heros after forming their own agency together! She saw them growing up and living healthy and normal lives.
Inko began to sob as the day dreams continued, that experience of seeing her sons state. Had broken something in the woman.
Recovery girl walked over to Izuku her cane in one hand and clipboard in the other, Toshinori gripped Izuku's hand, just to let the boy know that he would be with him.
Giving a soft smile Recovery girl began her diagnosis.
"First, your accident resulted in a numerous amount of life threatening and life altering changes" Izukus throat felt so dry but he couldn't swallow, actually he couldn't even feel his tongue.
"To start, you sustained major Internal damage, including close to utter destruction of your rib cage, right lung, and a multitude of internal bleeding. Over multiple surgeries we've been able to repair most damage, however your lung was so heavily damaged that you will need assistance to breath. Which unfortunately causes the pain." Izuku didn't know what to think, 'he couldn't breath on his own? would benne a hero?!' And finally 'how can I get around this?'Toshi watched in silence to gauge his sons reaction. He looked out of it, dazed almost. He was expecting tears not what this was.
"Next, well next is that your lower spine was severed, we did our best to try and fuse and restore the damage. However currently you won't be able to use your legs, but we were able to salvage your ability to feel." It wasn't exactly a bright side but it was better than completely loosing the use of his legs.
Toshi watched shocked at how his son didn't flinch but that a tear seeped from his eye and was soaked by the bandages. He lightly squeezed his sons hand but was met with no reaction.
Taking another breath Recovery girl too was watching to gauge the boys overall reaction to the trauma. What she saw worried her.
"Ahem. Thirdly due to the extensive damage we, we were forced to...amputate three of your limbs." She simply watched as Izukus gaze slowly turned to stare at where his right hand should be. His body beginning to tremble.
"Your body was also covered in extensive lacerations across the service, we performed serval cases of plastic surgery to reduce the scaring tho it will still be visible." Izuku simply didn't make a sound, she swore she could hear Toshinoris heart beating from his chest.
"You suffered severe damage to your left arm. However in time it should make a full recovery.
......finally you also suffered the complete separation of your lower jaw, the damage continued down into your upper and lower throat. Hence why you can't speak." She was delivering the news like a doctor but she was holding back her own tears, she had helped birth this boy and now she was telling him how his life was practically over.They both waiting in silence to gauge some sort of reaction from the boy. It was more than likely that Izuku would forget about all of this due to exhausting and trauma response, But what Toshinori noticed utterly shattered his heart.
Izuku was sobbing but couldn't make a sound.
Authors note:Well damn! That's easily the most chapters I've done in one day! Wanna give another huge thanks for everyone giving this a read we're a little over a thousand rn which boggles the shit outta me!
Now I'll ask you guys since I'm ok with skipping it is that of Izukus recovery and therapy and wether or not y'all wanna see most of it. I planned to show a little bit and then move on but I could also significantly stretch it out. So let me know what you think!

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)
FanfictionHeros aren't born they're built. (On Hiatus writers block sucks. But will return eventually)