Izuku sat in a catatonic state after he woke up. Recovery girl stating that it's more than likely a form of trauma response, his brain is trying to process the loss to his body.It had been an entire week, he may as well have been comatose again as he showed zero reaction to anything that wasn't strictly a bodily function. Toshinori had hoped that Izuku would be able to pull through it that he would soon get his son back it was beginning to look like a long shot.
Toshi had hardly been at home recently, the tension there alone was palpable and he just didn't have the time. After Inko was found catatonic in the bathroom he'd been the only one visiting Izuku. Izumi hasn't wanted to and that made Toshinori even more suspicious.
He refused to give up like the rest of them! He hasn't before and he wouldn't now! It was time to show what being both a hero and a father was all about becoming the support that Izuku would need desperately!
It was six thirty by the time AllMight was done his petrols it was time to go visit Izuku. Toshi in the span of the week had been telling Izuku about him being AllMight and about his quirk saying that he! Has everything it takes to be the successor that he didn't give him the quirk right away because it was something to be earned. He told his son that he had earned it long ago.
Making his way into the hospital he was meg with the common sight of one of the receptionist, this one's name was Merrin.
Giving a quick nod Toshi went to go past the woman and towards his son but was stopped when she called out.
"Actually Mr Yagi, Izuku is in physical therapy right now." She had said it so effortlessly that Toshinori almost didn't register it! He was back! AND WAS ALREADY DOING THERAPY!
Due to Izuku being awake and finally getting more energy recovery girl was finally able to heal the poor boy repairing the remaining damaged areas that she could fix. Including the restoration of his left arm.
Toshinori walked into the physio centre coffee in hand to see a sight that had absolutely boggled amazed and horrified the man. There was Izuku in the centre of the room holding a regular wheel chair sideway on one wheel!! The boy had been catatonic not even a day ago! And how he was doing trick in a wheel chair!
Dropping the wheel and falling back to normal Toshi listened as Izuku made a strange coughing and choking sound before wincing in pain, he had recognized it as his son trying to laugh.
Izuku turned to see his baffled father standing in the door way, he still had the bandages that covered his face under personal request. He turned to look away his eyes becoming sad before giving a small wave. Toshinori was too stunned to speak! Here he was! Izuku Yagi back in action already!
"What's going on here?! Recovery girl I thought you said he could use a remote wheelchair?!" Toshi asked the small woman
She sighed holding a hand to her face. "It's not up to me! The boy who takes way! To much after you insisted he'd try a manual wheel chair! His blasted therapist let him!" She said shaking her Cane in the direction of where Toshi assumed the therapist was.
As if summoned a young woman no older than 20 walked out from behind a curtain rolling a cart of assorted items for therapy.
Noticing the pair the young woman stood up gave two finger guns to Izuku before walking to the duo, a large smile on her face and large circle glasses sat somewhat crooked on her face. Her jet black hair was pulled into a high ponytail and her pale skin seemed to glow in the light!
"Hello! Im Yuna Obito! Im assuming your Izuku's father?!" She had a surprisingly very upbeat personality!
"Uh, yes Im Toshinori Yagi it's a pleasure to meet you young Obito!" Toshi said giving a low bow.
"Oh please! Just call me Yuna or Yuns! Obito makes me feel old! Anyway the pleasures all mine! As you can probably tell Im Izukus physical therapist! And frankly sir, your sons a very remarkable case! Originally I had planned to actually start with psychological tests to help also gauge where he's at physically! And we'll to all our surprise he's here doing donuts a few hours later!" She made a strange crouching pose with her arms in the air as she was absolutely floored by Izukus immediate progress.
Toshinori looked past the eccentric woman to look at his son, who was in the process of navigating a series of cones one handed with his wheel chair. Toshi could see something in his eyes, a mixture of things were held in his determined eyes; Sadness, regret, pain, rage?, and a whole lot of determination. It was hard to read his sons face now but he could read that from his expression.
"Also surprisingly is his penmanship! While sloppy Is fairly good! We're you aware that he's ambidextrous to a degree?!" Dr Obito asked happily tho her gaze was firmly locked on his Izuku, the boy doing an almost drift around one of the cones!
"Well not exactly, he's always been great with using his hands I suspect he picked it up while engineering!" Toshi half joked still amazed by the boy.
Yuna let out a loud chuckle. "Ya he did mention something about engineering. OH! That reminds me! He asked if you'd be able to bring some of his notebooks?" Toshinori chuckled, of course even like this he wanted his notebooks.
Izuku sat doing hand exercises in his room a stern and determined expression sat in his eyes. He was waiting for his father to return with his notebooks. As he sat he could feel his brain trying to creep back to a particularly hurtful new memory.
'He sat laying in his bed his unfocused eyes sat staring at the ceiling, various thoughts bounced around in his though he couldn't concentrate on any. His brain stuck trying to process the loss.
He faintly noticed when the door slid open and a familiar face walked in.Izumi.
She slowly walked to Izuku sliding her back pack from her shoulder as she just glared at him.
"Hello Deku" she said with so much venom she could kill a snake. Izuku didn't move at her words.
"Oh so your ignoring me huh?!" She grabbed a hold of his right arms stump with her quirk.
"What fall asleep for seven months and suddenly you're better than me?!" She'd begun to squeeze with her quirk yet she didn't get the response she was after. Growling she grabbed a hold of his head with her quirk forcing him to look at her, his empty stare went past her and into a the distance."Do us all a favour you useless Welp and go back to sleep then! You ruined this family when you were less of a freak. But now! You've broken mom! And dads so tired he's hardly ever home anymore always worried about you! You, you, you! Poor! Little! DEKU! Well tell ya what Brother! If you ever and I mean ever! Tell anyone about what happened or about this conversation I'll make you wish you died in that crash! So just give up! You're even more useless than before! So stop ruining my life and die already." She pushed him forcefully back to the bed before picking up her bag and leaving
A single tear ran down Izukus cheek as his heart broke to match the rest of his body. But where there was emptiness lit a spark, embers of memories shaping like echos in his mind. Memories of the day that everything was ripped away from him. In those sparks igniting something new, a drive, a purpose. Izuku's very soul ignited into a terrific inferno in that moment. A new goal set in his mind, he'd seen already the stares he got from nurses doctors.....his father. That god awful pity that he couldn't stand! Looking at him as if he were made of glass! His tears changed to a glare then a bubbling rage that came from the very depths of his being. He'd prove them wrong, every, last, one. He wasn't useless then and he won't be now! He refused to be some useless burden!
He'd hit that bitch where it hurt, strip her down piece by piece until there was nothing left. Until she was. Just. Like. Him. Maybe then, she'd understand. He like this, broken and standing alone as the only one to believe! He'd be a godamn hero, he'd be the best one this world had ever seen.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)
FanfictionHeros aren't born they're built. (On Hiatus writers block sucks. But will return eventually)