It had been a week....theyd closed the university for an entire week as they worked on the investigation. Luckily for Toshinori his son pulled through....Due to the..."replacements" Izuku made for him things could've been much worse...Since where his original wound was, is now covered and much of his missing organs were repaired as well, whilst he was still even more limited as a least his injury didn't get worse, he'd be thankful for that. It was also unexpected but...Izumi had came to visit him in the "hospital" her arm was in a cast from where that thing had grabbed her....even if he'd hardly seen her in three years...she was his daughter and he cared about her. It was a very awkward exchange....the air was so tense you'd think Izuku got into another accident!!......too soon. It was obvious they were both dancing around a very "sensitive" eggshell. He thought back to when the pin was pulled on the grenade.
"'s....How's Izuku doing?..." Izumi had said her head low not meeting his gaze...Toshinori was quite literally "The" hero! He could tell when someone was hiding something...but for now, he'd just spend the personal time with his kid.
"...hes...hes doing better, he's got a long way to go still but he's better." He may or may not have...omitted some truths, Izuku had made it clear he didn't want him telling Izumi or any of the hero classes about him. They'd even gone as far as to arrange a fake allias for the festival....his boy wanted any and all advantages he could get...he'd make sure he got them. Izumi's gaze fell even lower as she barely whispered
"I see"They both stood in silence for a while, before Toshi struggled to stand up to the protest of his her surprise....he hugged her
"I miss you so much Mimi....everyday I expect to see you and your mother walk through the door again....I'm sorry I couldn't be the dad you needed, but...I will always be here for you kiddo, even if you just wanna talk. It can be about whatever you want or nothing at all." He had said softly as he held her in a tight embrace. Before she could even say anything the tears started....they swiftly turned into wales as she hugged him as tight as she could sobbing. Toshinori just stood there rubbing her back and letting her vent her emotions...
Izuku stood in his hiding place behind a curtain, his glare unwavering as his sister cried....he didn't even feel an ounce of pity.
"What's stopping you?"
Izuku turned his head slowly to see the ghostly visage that had been plaguing his mind since he'd awoken from his coma all those years ago. He didn't speak only sat and listened.
"Shes distracted....just walk on over and finish it" Without his permission...Izukus foot began to move on its own.
Before he could expose his position Izumi broke apart from the hug and tried...and failed. To clean her eyes and nose from her meltdown...she sobbed and sniffed as the tears continued to roll out like a water fall.
"I...I was so scared dad! When I saw that thing grab you! When they attacked! When...when that man almost killed Asui! I...I didn't know what to do! I felt so useless! I was afraid dad..." she had said, Toshinori held his somber expression as he grabbed her hand and rubbed her arm was a trick he used when she was but a little girl, she was even crying like she used to....but now she was a grown woman....god he'd missed so much of her life already....both of their lives...
Izuku turned to look at the ghost only to be alone again.....his unstoppable fury subsided, as he continued to watch from the shadows.....she would pay, they all would. Just now...wasn't the time.
Toshinori and Izumi continued their exchange for close to an hour before Recovery girl had come in ushered the girl to leave stating "Toshi needs his rest now shoo!!!!" They hugged for one last time before Izumi smiled and had left. Whilst he still needed the answers of what she was hiding...Toshinori was happy to rekindle the bond with her. After getting an all clear from his father Izuku emerged from his hiding spot like a wraith in the night. He damn near gave Chio a heart attack and was almost beat to death by her cane!!

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)
FanfictionHeros aren't born they're built. (On Hiatus writers block sucks. But will return eventually)