It was strange having Izuku being able to communicate again. Toshinori had gotten so used to the silence that the sound off put him. It didn't exactly help that Izuku sounded completely different, considering the last time he'd heard the boy speak he was fourteen. Now it sounded like he was an old radio host as if his very vocal cords picked up static. And whenever he sounded like a sound effect from a pre quirk era horror movie. (I personally imagined Sith Stalker star killer from FU meets predator). And for two. It was nice to have those moments again, even if Izuku did break his promise. However after the "breakthrough" the boys mood had improved dramatically! Whilst he still hated the position he was in, he finally didn't feel trapped in his skin anymore. He finally felt actual control instead of just being some passenger in his body. It was liberating! Whilst not by much even his self confidence rose slightly! Being able to breath without an apparatus even for a short while was exhilarating! After nearly three years! He was finally getting his life back! He was getting by strong again! Mixed with his recovery and new appendages Izuku had finally began to gain muscle mass again and due to the amount of upper body work he did, he was actually building a surprisingly good physic. Considering he couldn't taste anything he simply downed whatever had the most of what he needed!
Being able to live a more normal life was amazing! However under the disguise of forced happiness, Izuku was still struggling. Whilst he could communicate again actually feel like a human being again! He couldn't help but feel farther away...He'd look in the mirror to only be met with a monster. He wasn't stupid, he knew he was scary looking, and sounding now.
'Even if you force back what was still won't be the way it was.' [;)] He thought to himself closing his prosthetic hand into a fist. Closing his eyes and breathing deep he tried to shake off the smell of smoke and taste of iron. Shaking his head the living cyborg grabbed his new pill pain killers! And dry swallowed a handful, funny enough they had a side effect of helping with the visions. He didn't care about dosage anymore he took enough to dull everything, that's all the mattered.
Izuku currently sat in his work shop, various designs of his next "upgrades" as he liked to call them scattered about. He'd run into a snag, the more he added to himself, the more significant the mental strain to control them. It wasn't as simple as just slapping the steel to his body and calling it a day! No in order to use even just the hand and the jaw he basically forced his brain to work harder so that they could compare to his natural limbs. It was simple math that he was running out of literal mental space to run his own body. He'd thought of various work arounds but so far nothing was working. He'd been stuck on the problem for the past four months. It had been over two years since Deku died, and he still felt miles away from his goal! Giving a frustrated sigh he slammed his metal hand against the desk and ran his hands through his hair, clutching it tight as he tried to find a new angle.
Based on his math and estimates he could have maybe one more addition before the mental load would cause serious side effects, depending what that appendage was that is was also a factor. He couldn't find a solution no matter how many designs he'd been through. He'd even discussed logistics of an artificial lung with Recovery Girl ! But nothing would work without frying his brain! Sighing loudly Izuku disconnected his arm and placed it onto a charging station. Stretching with his stump Izuku sucked in a breath before jamming the connection prong into another prosthetic. He lurched over in pain clutching the nearest workshop. His eyes were wide and his breathing shallow, Izuku sat stuck in that position for what always felt like hours. He could feel the mechanical fingers twitch as the connection finalized, and then the pain doubled.
Finally the process finished and Izuku ripped the appendage from its charging port. Immediately he clutched his fists as his jaw worked to steady him.Whilst stuck in his mental overload dilemma, Izuku didn't stop his designs for his other appendages. Including creating another appendage that Izuku deemed "Day Walker"
Designed to be his everyday use prosthetic, it looked vastly different compared to the previous designs. Aside from various creases and lines existed over the joints, and the colour slightly lighter than his own skin colour. Izuku despised the Day Walker, whilst it had the advantage of giving Izuku the full ability to feel they the appendage. It lacked in the fact that it was uncomfortable, and was hell every time it was taken on and off. But hey! Atleast he looked kinda normal!

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)
FanfictionHeros aren't born they're built. (On Hiatus writers block sucks. But will return eventually)