Soft beeps filled the air the soft sound of an oxygen mask doing its job followed suit. His eyes tensed for a moment before the emerald green orbs fluttered sleepily and ever so slowly opened.It felt like his whole body was covered in concrete he felt so stiff absolutely everywhere, he was confused to where he was at what was happening. He was absolutely exhausted, he couldn't remember anything of what happened and he was slightly beginning to panic.
His body felt so, strange? And his brain was foggy. He didn't like it very much, he tried to lift his arm to take off the mask but it didn't respond to him. Trying to move his left he was met with a resounding stiffness, looking down he saw his arm resting in a massive cast. His breathing got harder and his heart was pounding! Where was he! What happened! Why did it hurt so bad to breath?! He tried to call out but his mouth wouldn't open? The sensation of speaking not entering his throat? What was going on! He tried to push himself out of the bed he was in when he saw several people dressed in blue rush into the room he was in. Two of them held him down by the shoulders and the pushing was absolute agony! He tried to tell them to stop but his voice wasn't working! Why wasn't his voice working?! Trying to use his arms his left arm swung and hit the nurse as he was panicking!
In a second everything was becoming drowsy and it was hard to keep his eyes open. He grasped at one of the people! He was so scared and afraid! Before he knew it, he was unconscious once more.
The Yagis burst through the hospital doors Toshinori running to the receptionist. Izumi's heart was pounding out of her chest while Inko gripped her hand.
"IZUKU YAGI! He's, HES AWAKE!?" Toshinori half shouted half asked the receptionist!
"Sir! Sir! You, you need to calm down okay!" She turned to her computer typing something before turning her attention back to Toshinori. "Yes he was awake. However soon after he woke up he had to be sedated for his own safety" she said trying to calm the man.
"Sedate hun?! HE JUST WOKE UP WHAT IF HE GOES BACK INTO THE COMA!?" Toshinori yelled the stress of the day finally getting to him.
"TOSHI! Leave the poor girl alone!" Recovery girl had appeared next to Toshinori and smacked him with her cane "he's fine! We had to put him back under since he was beginning to have a panic attack, he somehow managed to tear multiple stitches in his delirium. It was for his own and staff safety" she said gaining her composure. "Based upon his activity after waking, it's a good sign that he will wake up again soon. It'll be good to have you here so that he has familiar faces when he does alright?" She said as if talking to an overgrown toddler.
"Right, right..I'm sorry ma'am." He turned to the receptionist and gave a low bow apologizing to her
"Can, can we see him?" Inko asked
"Right now? No. Currently he's getting cleaned up but soon yes, I'm my opinion I believe he should regain consciousness within a few days." Recovery girl said ushering the family to the waiting room before returning to her patients.
Toshinoris knee bounced in anxiety thousands of scenarios rushed through his head and ideas of what to say to his son followed along. Inko was ringing her hands as she was in a similar position. Then finally Izumi, she was frozen and her breathing was hard. 'What if he remembers? What if he tells them everything? How would she and Katcchan be heros!?' These thoughts pounded in her head as she was being consumed with fear of all the possibilities.
They all sat and waited in absolute agony with the anticipation. Hearts beating out of their chests and stress headaches starting.
"Yagis? Your free to visit him now." A receptionist told the family, they looked at each other as if needing confirmation to go and see the boy.
Each of them entered the room to see the boy, his face was mummified once more and his breathing was forced.
"Why are the bandages back on?" Inko asked recovery girl.
"We thought it would be best to keep it covered, to help ease him into it so that he doesn't potentially lash out." She said matter a factly before leaving the room.
"Hey buddy! We're here! I'm so proud of you Zuke! Just need you stay awake next time haha! You're the strongest kid I know bud! We'll be here next time you wake up I promise!" Toshinori bent over and kissed his sons forehead.
Inko softly smiled but couldn't help glance back and forth between Toshi, Izumi, and Izuku. 'How long has it been since they trained together?' She thought to herself.
Izumi was anxious and while both her parents prayed for him to wake up soon.
Izumi wished the opposite.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)
FanficHeros aren't born they're built. (On Hiatus writers block sucks. But will return eventually)