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Trying to collect himself Izuku took a deep breath. Everything just seemed so much brighter? Like a film was pulled from his eyes, like he was experiencing the world for the very first time! His heart was exploding with butterflies and his legs felt as if they'd run away without him! It felt like lightning was coursing through his body. It was a sensation unlike anything he'd ever experienced,not even his PKs could compare. It was intoxicating! Trying to steady himself despite the constant grin that seemed to have a mind of its own, he pushed himself up into a sitting position and inspected his bandaged arm.

He could feel the skin pulling taught as he opened and closed his fist, it was tighter than normal? The scars that laced his body made it feel like his skin was a rubber band, ready to snap at any moment. But his hand felt even more so...now that he thought about it, everywhere felt slightly more stiff! Quickly pulling the bandages aside Izuku inspected the sensation....to find parts of his skin covered in red and callus patches....burn scars. He tried to think back to what he last remembered, flashes of the fight against his sister entered his mind. He remembered Liz switching them into Maximum overdrive and then.......

'Did I get struck by lightning?!' He thought
But before he could continue his path of recollection the curtain that surrounded his bed was suddenly pulled to the side....and Toshinori in full AllMight form stood silently his eyes wide.

Neither spoke for a moment. Each staring, caught in each others gazes.....Izuku fumbled on his words as he tried to digest the tremendous emotional breakthrough. A heavy weight set in Izukus gut as he stared back. Was he pissed? He'd betrayed his trust! Everyone's trust! All because......all because he wanted revenge? Would his dad stop caring. He'd been so consumed with it, so hell bent on it! That he neglected the consequences......the price that he'd have to pay for it.

"Dad I-" Izuku choked out. But he was interrupted by a gust of wind.....and hug so crushing it felt like Izukus spine was contorting.

"You stubborn reckless moron! I should let Chio beat us both with a cast iron spoon!" Toshinori said in a half laugh half sob as he tightened his grip around his son whilst in full AllMight form.

"I am so proud of you! But damn you boy! Pushing Izuku away holding onto his shoulders staring at him."Why!? Why didn't you tell me!? What happened to being a team!?Did you not trust me? Why Izuku, why would you hide that for so long!! I told you that you weren't alone!" Toshinori shouted as tears welled in his eyes. Staring at his son for an answer.

Izuku stared wide eyed at his father...staring at the hurt in his eyes....the betrayal written within...what could he possibly say...how could he justify it.....he always said to himself that he wanted justice! Yet he waited....all so he could do it with his own hands. Why did he wait? Why didn't he just tell him!

"He was never around. "

The intrusive thought entered his mind and forced him to freeze forced to stare at his waiting father while he floundered on words. The once euphoric feeling vanished and died, as the old wounds nested back deep in his bones.

"How could you trust him? He was always with HeR! HeLping her! All so she could be a hero.

WhY wOUlDnT hE prOteCt HEr lIke ThE rEST DId?!" 

Izuku choked on his words his mind failing him as the two stared in silence. Izukus face grimaced into a frown.

"I was afraid.." he said his breath hitching slightly. Taking his eyes off his father.

"Afraid of what? Izuku you can tell me anything!" Toshi pleated shaking his sons shoulders slightly.

"I....I WAS AFRAID YOUD GIVE UP ON ME!" Izuku stuttered then shouted! As he pushed his fathers hands off him, shocking Toshinori  "I was afraid that if you knew...you'd protect them like the rest! That youd brush it aside like mom!.......that you would stop caring..." his emotions bubbling over Izuku choked on a slight sob that almost sounded like a whimper because of his prosthetics..

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