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It was obvious Inko did not support Izuku's dream to be the worlds first quirkless hero, not one bit. Her stupid! Husband was even encouraging it! Going as far as to give him actual advice! Oh it burned her to the core ti see the man she loves willingly throw her baby to the slaughter like that!

"Ok so bud if you're going to be a hero we need to give you a plan! Since you're going to be at a disadvantage most of the time you have got to be; smart, stealthy, creative, and almost most importantly resourceful! So why don't we sign you up for some martial arts bud? It'll be great exercise for you and Izumi, and even if you decide you don't want to be a hero then atleast you can protect yourself!" She could remember overhearing the words when they got home from the hospital.

Toshinori was actually really excited! He could already see the fire in his young sons eyes and it was good to get him into martial arts young. If his life growing up was anything to go off he'd most definitely need it, even if he doesn't go into heroics and it'd be best if Izumi did aswell! All he needed to do was pitch it to Inko!

"Oh that would be great for Izumi! Maybe I could even talk to Mitsuki and see if Katsuki would like to aswell! It'll give them an edge if they already know how to fight!" Inko liked the idea since it would help Izumi thrive in heroics!

"Ink honey, this is for Izuku too he's going to need to know how to defend himself. More so than Izumi after she gets her quirk! We both know how hard it's going to be for him." Toshi did not like what he saw in his wife when he pitched the idea to her.

She had this look of disgust? Disappointment? When Toshi brought up Izuku for martial arts training, an alarm bell was sounded in his head even more when she completely excluded him in her response. Tho many would call Toshi unobservant, he was the number one hero for a reason and he did not like the direction this was headed.

"Why Toshi?! I don't want him getting hurt! It's not like he's going to actually become a hero! I don't want to watch him chase a fake dream, especially not you encouraging it! He'd be killed Toshi! He doesn't need martial arts they'll single him out and he'll be hurt!" Inko was beyond frustrated she had tried to turn this into a positive idea and yet here he was being absolutely ridiculous!

"Why?! Ink do you hear yourself?! And why is that so bad? What about Shouta? He's fights quirkless! He needs this! Trust me in 10 years this could have saved him a hundred times!" Toshi pleaded trying to turn the course that Inko was headed down.

"No Toshinori! I won't have my baby bloodied and beaten so he can just go and get himself killed! Izumi I can understand she'll actually need it for her career!" Inko was becoming increasingly irritated that he was so insistent on Izuku getting hurt!

"Christ Inko! Their four! What if Izumi doesn't want to be a hero? What if she changes her mind! And who's to say she'll even have a sutible quirk! She could be almost exactly in Izukus position! It'll be best if they both! Can defend themselves or others in a time of need! By trying to separate them like that you'll only destroy Izukus confidence in himself! We both know how he is!" Toshi was incredibly glad that the kids had been asleep!

Inko! ( I FIXED IT GUYS SEE!!!!) just scoffed before swiftly standing and moving to stand above Toshinori, her face was red and small sections of her hair began to float.

"I swear to god Toshi if you put my baby in danger so you can try and let him play hero! No is final! We can talk about this later!" She quickly stormed off to their room shutting the door and leaving Toshi to the couch.

Toshinori sat in shock, why was she so adamant on this! He needed to know how to fight if he was gonna survive! Even outside of heroics!

Steam slightly poured from the man as he quietly and internally seethed! Before taking a breath and calming himself down getting angry would solve absolutely nothing. There's a chance she's in shock after the diagnosis, so he'll approach it again later.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now