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Izuku slowly stood up from his small crater.., he could feel the air being forced into his lungs. His vision was blurry as he looked upon his beaten tormentor, his ears were ringing the blood pumping with a rhythmic beat. He'd....he'd done it! He'd beaten Izumi! And yet.....

He felt nothing.


No freedom! Just that bubbling toxic anger. Bakugos unconscious form laid harmlessly against the pavement in a pool of his own blood. Yet it didn't feel like enough, he would recover from this! He would get back up from this!

"Finish, what YoU stArted" The hollow voice said calmly. Izukus eyes fell upon the figure that sat crouched next to Izumi's body, the empty green eyes staring right back at him. No judgment, no anger, just emptiness.

Izuku wanted to. He wanted to walk over and put his heel through her skull. Just before his foot moved from his frozen gaze a person pushed past his shoulder and into his view and knocking him from his trance. Looking around Izuku saw a small group of people and four primitive robots begin to place Bakugo on a stretcher? Why were they taking him? No he wasn't done yet! This wasn't over! Not like this! They can't just take him! He moved to act! He didn't even care his face was partially visible!

He'd go through them if he had to!

Now standing alone once more in the tunnel, Izuku stared out towards to field. His gaze glaring at Izumi whom was being carried away to assumedly Recovery Girls tent. His face scrunched into a scowl as he continued to glare at the unconscious girl getting farther and farther from his grasp..


The sudden sound surprised Izuku! His arm reached for his gun by sure instinct but unfortunately it wasn't there. Calming himself he opened his right palm where a VERY! Pissed off Elizabeth materialized.

"What?" Izuku asked the current situation quenching his rage towards the explosive teen.

"CUT THE SHIT POPS! You have been weird all day!! What the fuck was that huh" Elizabeth asked her gaze stern and heated. Izuku simply stared at her for a moment.

"I'm fine's fine." Izuku said closing his eyes as he felt the familiar ghostly twitch of his fingers.

"You expect me to believe that load of bs? You think I'm an idiot! Well I must be cause you made me! You're not fine pops! Its ok to not be's ok to talk about it! That's...thats what families for isn't it?" Liz asked with genuine concern and fear.

Izuku stood silently for a moment before a sad chuckle escaped his lips followed by shakey angry breaths. For a while they both just stood there, Liz's glowing red form and the glowing lights of Izuku made for quite the festive tunnel. Both of them simply stared at the other for a long while, waiting.

"I'd ground you if I could"

Izuku finally said getting a relieved chuckle from the both of them, before the mood quickly became somber once more.

"But your right.......I..." pausing Izuku could feel a chill run down his spine as he turned to look down the dark tunnel. Two faint green dots stared back at him, and all at once he could feel that deafening hate bubble in his stomach once more.

"Pops?" Liz asked gingerly

Shaking his head Izuku took a deep breath, looking back into the tunnel the dots had vanished once more....Izuku wanted to say that everything was alright! He wanted to tell his daughter that she was right! That it wasn't him...that he was just caught up in the moment...but that wasn't true...deep down, in the deepest darkest pits of himself.....he was nothing more than a better then those who tortured him....He knew, that no matter how hard he fought it, dreaded it, ran from it....he'd never escape his own dark and hatful shadow.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now