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Izuku was breathing heavily, his oxygen tank forcing the air into his lungs. It was excruciating. But with pain came progress! His nerves felt as if they were on fire and his body twitched, it went right through his painkillers as if they were nothing. Someone came into the garage but he couldn't process it right now, he was so totally overwhelmed at the moment. Then he felt it.......a twitch, his new "hand" had moved.

Toshinori Sat in stunned horror as Izuku was hunched over breathing heavily and his body shaking. 'WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO!' Was all he could think, he was too stunned to move. He watched in silence as Izuku stared at the claw, then it first a twitch, then a flex. Toshinori watched as his son shakily raised his arm the claw went limp as it was raid into the air, bending at the wrist. It was then the "fingers" twitched. Slowly the three fingers shifted and moved, the mechanical wrring (is that a word?) sounded loudly at the actions. Before Toshi could comprehend it the claw shakily twisted and moved. His gaze moved up to look at his son and all he saw.....was madness.

To say he was Elated would be an understatement. Izuku was damn near vibrating!
He couldn't help the sound that escaped his "throat" he didn't even notice the wicked sound he could only focus on the shifting of his "fingers" . Mark I was basically a claw in all extensive purpose, three "fingers" sat with two on the top of the hand and one acting like a thumb on the bottom. It was basic, and it was rushed, but it was progress! He was one step closer to being whole! Besides having another semi functional hand would speed up progress significantly! He just enjoyed the feeling of opening and closing the claw as he just stared in awe. It wasn't capable of allowing him to feel anything through it aside from vibrations, but just having something there to use was incredible! Pain throbbed in his stump but he didn't care, he didn't even notice. His thoughts flashed back to that moment in the hospital, where Izumi had threatened him. And his claw tightened into a fist.

Toshinori was utterly horrified when he heard that twisted sound, he recognized it as the same sound when Izuku tried to laugh back in the hospital. Only was so much more deranged. Mixed with the look in his eyes Toshinori was unsettled to the core, his son looked like some mad scientist who just created a monster! His shocked turned to surprise and pride? When he watched his son flex his prosthetic the madness turned to happiness as tears ran down his face. He watched in silence as his sons expression changed again, to one of anger watching as he clenched both his fists. Deciding to make himself known Toshinori made his way over, slowly as if approaching a grenade.

"Izuku...buddy can you hear me?" He said making his way over, Izuku didn't react in the slightest his mechanical hand opened and closed repeatedly. Izuku seemed lost in his own world.

"LLOOK at WhaT thEy DiD!" Izuku felt lost, he felt disconnected from his body? It sounded like a voice was coming from everywhere but as quickly as it came, it vanished. He was launched back to reality by the firm hand on his shoulder.

Turning to see the worried gaze of his father Izuku realized he must've been the one who came in. He felt utterly exhausted and as if he'd throw up 'if he could anymore' he thought absent mindedly. Before he could do anything else his father pulled him into a crushing hug.

"You can't do this Izuku! I know you're struggling and I know it's hard! I am so proud of you for taking steps to get better on your own but this isn't how you do it! I won't watch you sacrifice yourself to try and get back what you lost! Do you understand me!" He let go of the embrace and pointed a finger at Izuku's chest. "This! This is what matters! You want to get better and that's fine! But how about next time you decide on attaching anything to yourself! You bring it up to me and we'll talk to recovery girl ya? I have no doubt that if anyone can make the things you need it's you! But making a freaking hand! Then what branding it? To your skin! Being head strong and brash is how you make things worse bud did you even test this?!" He took a deep breath gauging his sons expressions "you aren't alone Izuku. You're not doing this by yourself, what happened to us being a team? You can trust me buddy to always be there for you. Just promise me you won't do this again. Ya?" He couldn't be mad at Izuku, scared and worried? absolutely! But not angry, he understood how badly Izuku was struggling so the only thing he could do for him was to be there and to help him every step of the way.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now