First Impressions

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My name is Maya Collins and I'm a forward for the UConn women's soccer team. I'm in my sophomore year here and this season is already better. Last year was on the rougher side of things seeing as we went 9-8-1, but it's a new year and I think it's going to go a lot better. I mean we are already 16-3. I'm laying in bed watching tik tok when my roommate, teammate, and best friend knocks on the door. 

"Maya hurry up we're going to be late for practice!" Abby yells at me. I quickly look at the time and realize we have only 15 minutes until practice and the field is 10 minutes away. 

"Shit!" Luckily I was already in my practice clothes but I still had to grab my bag and water bottle. "Okay I'm ready let's go," I say in a panick.

"Way to start the season strong Maya," Abby says while rolling her eyes.

We start running to my car and as we reach the garage I collide with someone and end up falling on top of them.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I quickly say.

"No worries I wasn't looking either" they respond while chuckling.

I look down at who I fell on only to see the one and only Paige Bueckers. My eyes widen as I realize the position we are in and I scramble to my feet. I reach my hand down to pull her up and remember that I have to get to practice.

"I'm so sorry but I gotta get to practice but hopefully I'll catch you later?" I ask her.

"Once again no worries and I would like that" she responds with a small smile.

I return it and quickly sprint to the car and drive off to practice.

A/n: Here's the first chapter sorry if it's a little short but I promise they will get longer as the story continues. Leave any suggestions you have in the comments!

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