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"You do realize who you just ran into right?" Abby asks while laughing.

"Yes I do, now hurry up and get out of the car" I say slightly annoyed.

We make it to the field just in time as coach calls everyone over into a huddle. Not going to lie, I was slightly nervous for the season because last year I struggled a little due to multiple injuries I had. But I'm healthier now and can't wait to show that to the coaches.

"Ladies listen up! Get ready because we are going to continue the hard work that we have been putting in so far this season. I do not want a repeat of last year! Got it?" Coach asks.

We all mumble "okay" or "yes" in return.

"Good now get on the line and get ready for the beep test!"

You have got to be kidding me. The one thing that every soccer player dreads and if you don't there is seriously something wrong with you. After the first beep sounds we all take off running.

*time skip*

It's down to the last two and I am one of those. At this point I've lost all feeling in my legs and feel like throwing up. Lucy drops out and I push one more and then collapse on the ground.

"All right everyone take a 5 minute brake and get ready for the next drill!" Coach yells.

I get up groaning and walk over to my water bottle. I take a drink and then dump some water on my head to try and cool myself off. Once done I walk with the rest of my team to the next drill and wait for coach to explain.

*time skip to end of practice*

"Nice practice ladies! On Sunday we have a game against Butler alright? Go get some rest and we'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time," Coach tells us.

I wait for Abby and we walk back to the car and drive back to the dorm. I get to the stairs and as I open the door I run into someone. 

"Sorr-" I stop talking as I look at who I ran into. Lucky me it's Paige again.

"Oh hey it's you again" she says with a smile.

" Yeah I guess I have a thing for you" I joke.

"I guess you do" she jokes back, " can I at least get your name this time?"

"Maya" I respond.

"Well it was nice to meet you Maya, maybe we can hang out sometime?" she asks with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"I would like that" I say with a smile.

"Great I'll text you".

We say goodbye and I make it up to my dorm room.

"What took you so long?" Abby questions.

"Oh uh I ran into someone"

"Would this someone happen to be Paige?" She smirks.

"Maybe, maybe not" I walk into the bathroom to shower when my phone dings with a notification from Instagram.

A/n: don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions that you have down below!

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