Date Night

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Friday Night:

Maya's POV:

 I got home from practice and went straight into the shower to start getting ready for my "date" with Paige. I don't even know what to call it, but what I do know is that I am very, very nervous. I mean yeah, I've been on dates before, but this feels different, a good different.

"How do I look? Does it look good?" I question Abby.

*You can imagine what you want to wear*

"Damn Maya, I didn't know you could dress like that!" Abby screams.

"So it looks goods?"

"Girl you look hot, so yeah its good" 

*knock, knock, knock*

"One second!" I yell.

I walk to open the door and I see Paige standing there looking a little nervous.

"Hey, you ready?" she asks so quietly it was almost a whisper.

"Yeah let me just grab my phone and I'll be right there" I smile at her.

I grab my phone and Abby looks at me with a smirk so as I turn around to walk out the door I flip her off.

"So, where are you taking me Ms. Bueckers?" I ask as I turn to look at her.

"You'll just have to wait and see." She responds.

We arrive at a little Italian restaurant on campus and we sit down and wait to order our food.

"So, tell me about yourself, I want to get to know you better" she says.

"My name is Maya Collins, I'm 20 years old, I am a forward on the soccer team here, I have a younger brother named Jacob, and I'm from a small town in Wisconsin." I tell her.

"I knew you looked familiar, I've seen a couple of your games."

"Oh cool"

"Now tell me the things that I can't find out from looking you up on the internet" she says

I was kinda shocked when Paige asked this because no one really asks for more than what I just told her other than my teammates and close friends.

"Uh lets see, I would say that I'm the funny one in my friend group, I love baking, I would rather stay in and watch Netflix all night than go to a party, I played basketball in high school, but decided to play soccer in college, and my favorite color is blue." I tell her. I noticed that when I was telling her these things that she was actually listening and seemed to be interested in the words that were coming out of my mouth. "Your turn."

"I too prefer to stay in rather than going out, I ran track in high school, my favorite color is purple, I love to joke around with people, and I can't bake for shit" she says with a laugh.

I love the sound of her laugh.

Our food arrives and we continue to talk and laugh until we're done. She walks me back to my dorm and I'm about to open the door but something inside me makes me stop and turn around.

"Can I get your number?" I ask her.

"Yeah of course" she hands me her phone and I hand her mine. I look at her contact to see she put her name as Paige💕. I give her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight Paige"

"Goodnight Maya".

Holy shit did I just do that?

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