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Maya's POV:

"Maya, what did you do?" She asked. 

The worry in her voice was rising and I literally felt like throwing up. Tears started to well in my eyes and it felt like my throat was starting to close up. 

Great. Just great. I took a deep breath to steady myself before answering.

"I kissed Azzi." 

"What?" Paige asked her voice cracking.

"I kissed Azzi. I don't even remember what happened I, I am so sorry Paige." At this point I was crying my eyes out and Paige was just sitting there emotionless.

"Paige, baby I -" she cuts me off before I get the chance to finish.

"No, you don't get to call me that right now" she says, "I think it's best if we take a break".

"What?" I whisper.

"We need a break Maya, now get out before I do something that I'll regret" she says raising her voice.

I slowly nod my head and walk out of her dorm. Tears are running down my face and I'm trying to keep my breathing under control. I just start walking with no destination in mind. How could I be so stupid? I had the love of my life and I threw it all away. 

Paige's POV:

After Maya left, I immediately broke down crying. I couldn't keep it in anymore. I curl myself up into a ball on the couch and let the tears fall. Soon, I hear a door open and an energetic voice follows.

"Paige!" Mika shouts.

"What?" I ask with my voice cracking.

She walks around in front of the couch about to show me something when she looks at me and drops everything in her arms and rushes over to me.

"What happened?" She asks softly.

I try explaining what happened but could barely make it through. At the end I start crying even harder and Nika pulls me in for a hug. We stay there for a while until I feel myself drifting to sleep and eventually close my eyes.

Maya's POV:

I end up back in front of the lake and reach down into my pocket to grab my phone. No calls. No texts. I don't know what I was expecting. I sigh and put my phone back before reaching into my other pocket and feel it still there.

I was going to give it to her tomorrow which was our anniversary, but guess that got thrown out the window. I put the ring back and take a deep breath before taking the time to really think about what I did.

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