I Don't Know

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Maya's POV:

It's been a couple days since Paige said she had wanted a break and to be honest I haven't been doing great. The only time that I have left my room is to go to class and after I walk right back to my bed. I've barely talked to anybody even though all of my friends have tried. I've just gone numb.

Tonight there's a party and I agreed to go because I need some fresh air and I have to interact with people. Also, it's an excuse to get drunk. Will drinking fix all my problems? Doubt it. But I need to let loose so.

Abby's POV:

I'm glad that Maya agreed to go to the party tonight, but I'm a little concerned for her. I know she's going to be drinking a lot and I just want her to stay safe.

Maya's POV:

I decided to wear a tight fitting black dress to the party tonight (if you want something else think of it). Why not draw a little attention. I'm almost ready to go and finish putting my earrings in as there's a knock on my door.

"Hey, you almost ready?" Abby asks.

"Yeah just give me one more second"

I finish up and we head out the dorm and towards the party.

*time skip*

We arrive at the party and it is crowded. I make my way towards the kitchen to get a drink because your girl needs to loosen up. I decide to take a shot and then make my way to the dance floor where I somehow meet back up with Abby.

"Heeeeey Abby" I slur 

Abby's POV:

"Heeeeey Abby" I hear from behind.

I turn around to see Maya stumbling over towards me. Shit. 

"Hey Maya. How much have you drank?"

"Just one"

I give her the 'I don't believe you' look and she starts laughing.

"Okay maybe like 6 I don't know anymore"

She gets a little closer and I can smell the alcohol on her breath. I also smell something else. Weed. No fucking way she's been smoking too. I grab her face and see her eyes are red and decide that she needs to go home.

"Maya we're going home"

"But I don't wanna. I'm having fuun."

"You had a little too much fun and now it's time to go"

*time skip*

Mayas POV:

We make it back to the dorm and I immediately run to the bathroom to puke my guts up. I sit with my back against the wall and close my eyes to go to sleep. I feel someone pick me up and I cuddle closer to them. The familiar scent fills my nose and makes me smile. They change my clothes before putting me into my bed and kissing my forehead.

I hear the door close and all of a sudden one person comes into my mind.



hey guys sorry it's been a while and this kinda sucks but I am going to try and update more 

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