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Paige's POV:

After practice, I take a quick shower before heading out to meet Maya for lunch. By the time I get there, Maya has already gotten us a booth and ordered something to drink. I go to sit down and see her laughing at something on her phone. Thinking it's just a Tik Tok, I ignore it and slide into the booth across from her.

"This seat taken?" I question.

She was about to answer when she looks up and sees it's me. 

"Thank god it's you, you don't know how many guys have tried to sit there while I've been waiting" she says.

"Who were they I ca"

"Paige, it's fine don't worry about them" she quickly cuts me off.

The waitress comes over and takes our order before walking away. We start talking about random things and what we're going to do for break that's coming up next week. Maya's phone keeps buzzing causing her to finally pick it up. Whatever it was caused her to laugh and suddenly I got curious. 

"Who was it?" I ask.

"It was nobody, don't worry about it" she replies while setting her phone back down.

"Maya, who was it?" I ask again slightly annoyed.

"It was just my brother okay?" She replies. I can here the annoyance in her voice so I drop it.

Our food is brought out and we eat in silence for the majority of lunch. The air between us is tense and it worries me slightly because this has never happened before. We finish eating and I ask if she wants to go for a little walk.

"I would love to, but I can't. I have to go to my study group for bio. It starts in about 10 minutes."

"Oh, okay. Want me to walk you there?"

"No it's okay, go get some rest. I know you need it."

That was true, I've been having some trouble falling asleep lately and have been pretty tired throughout the days.

"Alright, text me how it goes" I say.

She gives me a quick kiss and hug before turning around and walking away. I don't know what it is but something seems off today.

Maya's POV:

I do have a study group for bio, but that doesn't meet until tomorrow. Right now, I'm meeting Azzi at a coffee shop and then we were going to head to the soccer field. I feel terrible about lying to Paige, but if I told her who I was going to meet, I don't think she would have been happy.

Azzi's POV:

I'm meeting up with Maya in 10 minutes to grab some coffee. I'm glad that we are hanging out because I have missed her so much since what happened and it's good to catch up on everything. I don't want to tell her, but I'm slowly starting to fall back in love with her again. I know that's bad because she's with Paige, but I can't help it and with the way we left things...

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