In The Past

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Skips to when Paige comes back after traveling

Paige's POV:

I texted Maya before leaving for practice in the morning asking if she wanted to grab lunch later. Usually she would respond right away, but I still haven't gotten a text back yet. I brushed it off as she slept in a little later this morning. I grab all my things before heading to practice.

I'm always the first one to the gym by about  15 minutes so I thought it was weird hearing people laughing when I walked in this morning. I get into the gym and see Maya and Azzi messing around on the court. I watched for a little longer when Azzi ran up behind Maya and picked her up. I decided that was enough and started walking to the locker room.

"Paige!" Maya shouted from behind me. I ignored her and kept walking. Was this why she didn't answer my text? Are her feelings for Azzi coming back?

I made it into the locker room and threw my bag down. I was so mad that I didn't hear the door open from behind me and didn't notice someone walk up behind me. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Baby, what's wrong?" She whispers in my ear.

I pull out of her grip and turn to face her. There are tears threatening to fall from my eyes at this point.

"What's wrong?! I walk in seeing you mess around with your ex, that's what's wrong!" I shout out her.

"Hey hey hey, calm down" she says. "Is that what your upset about?"

"Do you still like her?"


"I said, do you still like her?" At this point I'm so mad and I want to know the truth.

"Of course not, we were just playing a little basketball, nothing else" she says as her face softens.

"Do you promise?" I whisper.

"I promise" she whispers back.

I walk over and wrap her into a hug before breaking away and kissing her. The kiss is full of passion and I can feel all of my worry slip away.

We head back to the court and Azzi has an expression on her face that I can't quite understand. Maya says goodbye and that she'll see me at lunch later. 

Maya's POV:

I woke up to Azzi calling asking if  I wanted to catch up with her at the court this morning. I didn't think much of it and agreed. I get there and we start talking about our lives after we split. Not gonna lie, it felt good talking to her again and I could tell that we both missed it.

"I know that you're with Paige now and that I'll never get another chance with you, but do you think that we could be friends at least?" Azzi asks after passing me the ball.

"I think we could make that work" I answer with a grin on my face.

She runs up behind me and picks me up, and that's when Paige walked in.

I followed her and told her that she had nothing to worry about and that I would gladly meet her for lunch later.

What I did not mention, however, is that after today, those old feelings for Azzi slightly resurfaced today and that made me nervous.

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