We Need to Talk

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Paige's POV:

After Maya left the court I wanted to go and run after her to see what was wrong, but Azzi grabbed my wrist and told me to leave her be for now. I couldn't shake the thought from my mind that the two had met before and clearly something bad had happened but I'll have to wait until later to find out what.

Azzi and I finished our workout and I left to go back to Maya's dorm to check on her. It worried me the way she ran out and I want to make sure that she is okay. I knock on the door and don't get a response so I knock again and am met with Abby, Maya's roommate.

"Hey Paige" she said tiredly.

"Hey Abby. How's she doing?" I ask.

"What do you mean? Maya isn't here." She responded.

"We'll do you know where she is?" I ask. I'm starting to get worried because she won't answer her phone either.

"I don't I'm sorry but I'll text you if I hear anything" she said.

"Okay thanks, goodnight".

I sigh and walk up to my dorm and once I get inside I notice my door slightly cracked open which is weird because I closed it before I left today. I open the door to see Maya fast asleep in my bed wearing one of my hoodies. I smile softly to myself before changing and getting under the covers with her. Once I do so, her arms wrap around my body and she cuddles into my side. I kiss her head while whispering goodnight and texting Abby to let her know that I found Maya. After setting my phone down, I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Maya's POV:

I wake up to the sun shining on my face. I slowly roll over and see my beautiful girlfriend still peacefully sleeping. I get up carefully so I don't wake her up and go to the bathroom. After finishing up, I walk into the kitchen where I see Nika and Christyn already eating their breakfast.

"Good morning" I say with a slight rasp to my voice still.

"Oh hey, I didn't know you stayed over last night" Nika says with surprise.

"Yeah sorry bout that, I was waiting for Paige to get back and I must have fallen asleep" I lie, but they don't need to know that.

"It's all good, you're welcome any time" Christyn says with a smile.

I go to check my phone when I realize I left it in Paige's room, so I quietly make my way back in, in case she is still sleeping. I open the door to see Paige sitting on her bed looking like she had just woken up.

"Hey baby" I say softly.

"Hey. Why did you stay here last night?" She asks. "Don't get me wrong I loved cuddling with you but I was worried after you left and didn't answer any of my calls or texts" she rambles.

"Oh uh yeah about that" I say nervously.

"Can we talk about it later please, I don't want to do this right now" I beg.

"Yeah sure, but can Azzi be there when we do because I get the feeling something happened between you two" she tells me.

"Of course, but I don't know how well that'll go" I say stating an obvious fact.

"Why not?" She asks confused.

"Because back in high school, Azzi was my girlfriend".

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