We got you

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Paige has started to become more busy because her season is about to start and her first game is in a couple days. Because of this and of course my season already being underway, we haven't been able to hangout as much lately as either of us would have liked. However, when we do have free time we spend as much of it as possible with each other. 

I hear my door open and look up to see Abby. I look at her with an annoyed expression on my face because all I want do is is rest. We've had a pretty busy schedule recently and to top it all off, I have to sit a couple of games due to a hamstring injury.

"What?" I asked.

"Sheesh what's got you in a mood?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere since you haven't really left the dorm in a while unless you've had to".

"Yeah I guess. Where we going?" I question.

"You'll see" she simply responds.


We ended up going to some place to get smoothies. Not going to lie it felt good to get out and do something since I have been down a little lately, but Abby knows exactly how to cheer me up.

"So how are things with you and Paige?" She asks me.

"Things have been really good. It's gotten a little harder because her season has started now but we'll find a way to get through it." I answer truthfully.

"Knowing you two I know that you guys will work it out. I mean you guys are the current power couple of sports!" She exclaims.

"I don't know about that but thanks Abs" I chuckle.

"How's the hamstring been?" She asks with a hint of caution present in her voice. Everyone knows how pissed off I get when injured so they're always scared to ask how I'm doing. Abby is one of the very few I don't scream at.

"Honestly it sucks especially with the schedule that we have coming up, but I will hopefully be back soon. The trainer only said it was a mild strain so..." I trail off.

"Hey the teams got your back okay? We will be here to support you through this." She reminds me.

"Yeah I know" I sigh.

"We gotta go, practice starts soon."

I sign in return and get up so we can get back to the dorm before leaving for the field.

*time skip*

Practice was pretty boring and I wasn't really paying attention too much because I couldn't do anything. It pisses me off because I was wanting to show the coaches that I deserved this spot this year and yet here we are with me riding the bench for a couple games.

I check my phone to see the time and groan when I realize that Paige is still at practice and she will be for probably another 30 mins knowing her. That's one thing I love about Paige is that she will stay so much longer than anyone else and continue to work on her game even if there is nothing she has to improve.

I decide to take a walk and about 20 mins later I find myself standing in front of the basketball arena. As I'm about to walk in I spot someone that looks very familiar. They look up and notice me. We make eye contact for a couple seconds before I decide it's nothing and turn to open the door when I hear from behind me that voice that I thought I would never hear again. The voice I never hoped to hear again after what happened.

"Maya? Long time no see".

A/N: Sorry for the cliff hanger. Who do you think Maya sees at the basketball arena? Should it be one of Paige's teammates? Let me know in the comments below.

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