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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off and reach over to grab my phone. One of the first things that I see is a text from Paige.

Paige💕: Good morning beautiful 

Me: Good morning 

Paige: I hope you slept well, but I wanted to ask you something real quick

Me: shoot

Paige: would you want to hang out later tonight and maybe meet some of my friends and teammates?

Me: I would love too

Paige: great I'll text you the details later. good luck at practice today 🤪

Me: thank you😊

I finally decide to get out of bed and go eat breakfast before I have to leave for classes.

*time skip to practice*

"Send corner, send corner!" I yell to Sofia who looks up and sends a pass over the defense. I chase it down and juke out the defender to get a better shot. I'm at a slight angle to the goal so I bend it and it brushes past the keepers hands and into the right upper 90.

"And time! Good work today ladies tomorrow we face Butler it's going to be a tough matchup but if we play like we just did in practice we will be completely fine" coach says.

We brake it down and then everyone packs up their things and leaves. I get back to the dorm and start getting ready to hangout with Paige. She texted me earlier to meet her at her dorm so I finish getting ready, grab my things and leave. Not going to lie, I'm a little nervous, not a bad nervous, but I started getting butterflies in my stomach again.

 We live in the same dorm building, so I walk up the stairs, find her dorm and knock.

Paige's POV:

"Guys remember go easy on her please. We just met and I don't want you guys to scare her away" I joke to Nika and Christyn.

"Ooo does Paige have a little crush on somebody?" Nika smirks causing my cheeks to turn slightly red.

As I was about to answer I hear a knock on the door and knew who it was right away. I open the door and see Maya standing there. 

"Hey come on in" I greet her.

"Maya I would like you to meet my roommates Nika and Christyn, guys this is Maya" I introduce the group.

"Rude we're also you best friends" says Christyn.

Maya just laughs at her antics which causes a smile to appear on my face while watching them introduce themselves to each other. Nika notices and sends a smirk and wink at me. I just roll my eyes. We end up playing a bunch of games which was super fun because we are all super competitive. After about 2 hours my friends leave saying they are going out with some of our other teammates leaving me alone with the girl that I'm crushing on and hard.

Maya's POV: 

"So tell me, what's the funniest thing to ever happen to you during a game?" I ask her.

"Oh man that's a tough one" Paige jokes.

We end up sharing stories with each other for a while, and I didn't notice until now but we somehow managed to get closer to each other as the night went on. Paige says something that makes me laugh and when I look back up our faces are inches apart. We stare into each other's eyes and the butterflies in my stomach start moving around a lot more. 

"Maya?" she whispers.


"Can I kiss you?"

Instead of answering I move closer and connect my lips with hers. She kisses back straight away and it soon becomes a little heated. I pull away and stare back into her eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course."

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