Game Day

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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course."

We both leaned back in and the kiss started to heat up. Paige swiped my bottom lip with her tongue asking for entrance. I allowed and let her take control. She pushed me up against the wall and a small gasp escaped from my mouth once my back came into contact with the hard surface. She starts trailing kisses down my neck trying to find my sweet spot.

"Paige" I said as a I let out a soft moan. I could feel her smirk against my skin which sent a shiver down my skin. Her hands traveled down to the hem of my shirt and as she started to lift it up, I put my hands against her chest.

"Not yet" I whispered.

"It's okay, whenever you're ready" she whispered back.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked.

"Sure, you can pick" I respond.

Paige turns on a random movie on Netflix and I cuddle into her causing her to wrap her arms around my body. Sometime into the movie I turn and look up at her.

"What's up?"

"Well, I have a home game tomorrow against Butler and I was wondering if you would be there?"  I tell her.

"Baby, of course I'll be there. I wouldn't wanna miss it" she responds.

I smile at the name and turn my attention back to the movie.

*Next Day*

I wake up and look around noticing that I wasn't in my room. I remember that I was at Paige's and look over to see my beautiful girlfriend peacefully sleeping, so I quietly get up hoping not to wake her. Our game isn't until 5 so I have plenty of time before I have to start getting ready.

I walk into the kitchen and decide to make breakfast for everybody. I'm flipping the pancakes when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and immediately know its Paige. She kisses my neck a couple of time before resting her head on my shoulder.

"Good morning sunshine" I joke.

"Morning" she grumbles.

I laugh before finishing up and giving her a plate of food in which she gratefully takes.

"If you can hurry up, we can maybe stop at Dunkin before I have to leave to get ready for my game today" I bribe her, "It's already 10 we kinda slept in a little late so chop chop."

We quickly finished eating and went to Dunkin to give us some sort of energy. We get back to the dorms and Paige walks me to mine.

"Hey, if I don't see you before your game good luck and I'll be your number one fan alright?" " Also, I would like it if you could score me a goal today" she says to me.

"Thanks and I'll try my hardest" I say back. She kisses me goodbye and I start getting ready because we have a meeting before the game to watch some more film.

*Time skip*

The game is tied 1-1 with 20 minutes left in the game and Brooke sent the ball up past the defensive line. I sprint to chase it down and I cut in front of the defender when my legs get swept from underneath me and I end up landing on my back. I hear the ref blow the whistle signaling for a free kick and I stay down for a couple more seconds before getting up.

"Collins! Take the kick!" I hear coach scream from the sidelines. I take the ball and ask the ref for 10 yards for the wall. I set the ball down and wait for the whistle. I notice the goalie is slightly to the left so I chip the ball over the wall and aim for the upper right corner. It goes in and my team rushes over to me and starts celebrating. 

I start jogging back and I look over to see Paige jumping up and down with her friends. I make a heart with my hands and point it in her direction. She sees it and taps her chest while sending the biggest smile my way.

My goal ended up being the winning goal so the final score was 2-1. I walk over to where Paige is standing after Coach finishes talking and give her the biggest hug.

"Thanks for the goal"

"Anytime babe".

A/N: I would love if you guys could start leaving comments and voting so I could get some feedback on the story. I will probably start updating every couple days or so.

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