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"Back in high school, Azzi was my girlfriend".

Paige looks at me with wide eyes and her mouth slightly opened. She just sits there and stares for a couple seconds before getting up and pacing back and forth in front of the couch.

"What happened?" She asked.

"She left and moved to a different state leaving me behind" I slowly respond. "We shouldn't do this without Azzi here, can you text her real quick?" I ask her.

Paige just nods her head and grabs her phone. I'm starting to get worried because she hasn't said anything in a couple minutes and I'm starting to think that she is mad at me. Before I can say anything there is a knock on the door and Paige immediately jumps up to open it.

"Get in here, now" she seethes.

Azzi has a confused look on her face but as soon as she realizes what is about to happen, it changes to look of worry.

"I want to know about what happened in high school between the two of you" she says coldly.

"I already told you, we used to date but then Azzi moved and broke up with me" I say with a bit of venom in my voice.

"Oh my god, it wasn't my choice, I didn't want to" Azzi says sounding annoyed.

"Doesn't matter, we could have figured it out, but you know what, I'm glad we didn't because I met someone who will stay with me through the thick and thin no matter how far away we are" I say with tears in my eyes.

As soon as those words come out of my mouth I regret them because Azzi starts to cry. 

"I guess you didn't miss me as much as I missed you" she gets out before leaving the room.

Paige is about to say something but I look at her and give her the "I'm not in the mood" look before walking to my bed and plopping my self face first into my pillows. A couple minutes later I feel a hand on my back and I turn to see Paige sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Why didn't you tell me that you used to date my teammate?" She asks quietly.

"Because I didn't know she was your teammate and I didn't think you wanted to know about my exes." I whisper.

"Plural? How many do you have?" She jokes.

"Not funny" I pout.

"Alright I'm sorry, but next time just tell me okay?"

"I will".

*time skip*

The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed and see that Paige had left a note on her pillow.

Sorry that I had to leave you to wake up alone, but I had to get to the bus before it left for the airport. I'm sad that you can't be at the game, but I know you'll still be cheering me on from home.

Love you,


I send her a quick text saying good luck before getting up and starting to get ready for practice. Abby told me that she wanted to get there earlier and I decided that it wouldn't be the worst idea so we got ready and left for the fields to get some extra work in. Just as I'm about to put my cleats on I hear my phone ding and I look to see a message from Paige.

Paigey💕: Love you, have fun at practice 

Me: Love you too, I'll be cheering you on from the comfort of my couch

Paige💕: You better be paying attention when I shoot my free throws tonight

Me: I will now go be with your team you goofball

I put my phone away and jog out and grab a ball before seeing how many juggles I can do before dropping the ball. A thought comes into my mind that makes me question something. 

What is she going to do at the free throw line?

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