Do I?

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Paige's POV:

I looked into her eyes and I got this weird feeling in my stomach. We just stared at each other for a few seconds before I spoke up.

"Maybe we can hangout some time?" I asked. I hope she couldn't tell that I was nervous. She made me feel something I've never felt before which is crazy cuz we just met.

"I'd like that" she responds with a smile. 

YESS! Alright play it cool Paige come on.

"Great I'll text you". Really, you don't even have her number.

We said goodbye and I walked out of the building to chipotle where I was meeting with some of my teammates for dinner. I got there a little early so I decide to dm Maya on Instagram asking when she was free. I hit send  and turn my phone off as my friends arrive.

Maya's POV: 

I get out of the shower to see a message from Paige asking when I was available to hang out. I look at it and a smile creeps onto my face.

"What got you smiling over there, or better yet who?" questions Abby. 

"Paige asked when I was available to hangout" I tell her and I can feel my cheeks starting to get warm.

"Ooo does someone have a little crush on the basketball superstar?" she smirks.

"What! I do not!" I exclaim.

"Woah no need to get defensive there. It was just a question." "But are you sure?" She teases me.

"I'm positive". 

We go get some dinner and after I go and lay down in my room and respond to Paige.

Me: I have practice tomorrow at 4 and it ends at 6 but I am free anytime after that.

Paige: Perfect I'll pick you up at 7, wear something casual

Me: Oh is it a date now??

Paige: If you want it to be

I smile and try to fall asleep but one thought keeps me up longer than I hoped it would. Do I really have a crush on Paige? I mean I don't think so but every time I look into her eyes I get these butterflies in my stomach that I've never felt before. Surely it means nothing right?

A/n: Sorry for the short update, don't forget to leave a comment or suggestion!

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