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Maya's POV: 

I met up with Azzi and after grabbing a couple drinks we went to this hidden spot that she found a couple days ago. It was a nice secluded spot by a lake. I started to get into my thoughts before a voice behind me snapped me out of them.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Azzi asked.

"Yeah it really is"

"You know, I missed this. Just you and me." She reveals.

"I did too."

That was the truth, after she left I felt really lonely. Then I met Paige and that void in my heart was filled again. But now that Azzi is back something feels different.

"Can I tell you something?" She asks.

I was going to say no, but then I saw the pleading look in her eyes and I just couldn't.

"Yeah, what's up?" I whisper.

"After I left, I never stopped loving you. I wanted to call or text, but I thought that you would hate me and wouldn't want to talk to me." She says on the verge of tears.

It felt like something had just knocked all the air out of my lungs. I froze before slowly turning to look at her.

"Azzi I"

"I know it's stupid and selfish of me to be doing this because your with Paige, but I couldn't keep that in anymore."

I didn't know what to do. I looked into her eyes and saw hers flicker to my lips before quickly returning to my eyes. We both started to lean in and before I knew it I was doing the one thing I never thought I would do. 

The kiss was intense as we both put all of our emotions into it. After a couple seconds, my thinking returned and I pulled away. I immediately thought of Paige.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit" I say starting to panic.

"Maya I am so sorry" Azzi says.

"What the hell Azzi!?"

"I'm sorry okay?!"

"No! It's not okay! I have a girlfriend that loves me and I just kissed my ex! There is nothing okay about that!"

I quickly walk away, but I don't know where to go because I can't face Paige right now. I need time to think about what I just did before I tell her anything.

I started walking and before I knew it I ended up in the one place I didn't want to be. In front of Paige's dorm. I decided it was better to tell her now instead of waiting.

I knocked on the door and was so nervous that I felt like I was going to throw up.

There was no answer so I knocked again and finally Paige answered the door.

"Maya, hey, sorry it took me so long"

"Uh it's fine don't worry"

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Umm no not really" I manage to spit out.

"What's wrong are you okay?" She asks with worry in her voice.

"No I'm not"

"What happened?"

"I messed up, big time" I say while tears start to fall.

A/n: Let me know what you guys want to see with this story. Who should Maya end up with?

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