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Paige's POV:

I was just sitting on my couch watching Netflix when I got a notification on my phone. I ignored it at first, but then my phone started buzzing so I picked it up to see who was calling me. Abby? What could she want?

"Hey Abby, is everything okay?"

"Umm not really, I really need you to come over here and help Maya. She got drunk and then passed out on the bathroom floor after crying her eyes out."

It took me a second before I answered, "yeah I'll be over in a couple minutes."

"Thank you so much."

I started thinking about why Maya would get so drunk, I mean she doesn't like to drink. I sat there for a couple more seconds before it hit me, I was the reason. I quickly put my shoes on and rushed over to her dorm and knocked.

"Hey Paige, she's in the bathroom."

"Okay, thanks."

I walk into the bathroom and see her curled up into a ball and my heart breaks a little knowing I was the reason behind this. I carefully picked her up and brought her to her bedroom. I placed her on the bed before going to get a change of clothes. Once I changed her clothes I tucked her in, kissed her forehead, and walked out of the room and straight out of the dorm.

Mayas POV:

I woke up with the worst headache ever. I looked at my nightstand and saw some ibuprofen and a glass of water. I took that before getting out of bed to go eat breakfast because I was starving. I don't know why but I half expected to see Paige when I walked out, but I was met with an empty kitchen.

I picked up my phone and hovered my finger over her contact debating on whether or not to call her. I decided to text her instead so I opened our messages and started typing.

Maya: hey thanks for taking care of me last night

Maya: you didn't have to

Paige: it's not problem don't worry about it

Maya: can we meet up soon?

Paige: idk if now is the best time

Maya: please?

Paige: meet at our spot tmrw at 7 pm

I loved the message and put my phone down so I could make myself some breakfast. Abby later walked out and helped me finish the pancakes and bacon before we sat down and continued binging some random show she picked out on Netflix.

Sorry this one is kinda short but I wanted to get something out for all of you since it's been awhile.

Anyone else hate being single?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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