Love You

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I had just finished up with practice which was a little frustrating because my hamstring started getting tight again so coach had me sit out so I wouldn't injure it even further and jeopardize playing next year. It was already 6 by the time I got home so I still had an hour before Paige's game started. I dropped my stuff in my room before hitting the shower. I kept replaying what she said to me in my head about watching her at the free throw line. What could she possibly do? I mean not much because she only has so much time and she's at the free throw line but it still had me confused. I got out of the shower before changing and meeting Abby on the couch so we could watch the game.

"You think they're gonna win tonight?" She asks.

"For sure, they got this in the bag" I respond.

They are playing UCLA tonight, but I think it should be a pretty easy game. (I know Paige didn't play this game but just ignore it).

*time skip*

Paige had just stolen the ball and started sprinting down the court on a breakaway when she went up for a layup and got fouled, drawing the and-one. I watch her routine carefully when I notice she taps her heart before dribbling a couple more times before finally shooting. (Look up Candace Parker's routine for a visual). I was a little confused because that wasn't apart of her normal routine but then I remembered what she had told me. That was her way of telling me that she loved me from her game when I couldn't be there to watch in person.

"What was that?" Abby asked confused.

"What was what?" I ask back.

"Why did you smile after Paige tapped her heart which she has never done before?"

"That's her way of telling me she loves me when I can't be there I guess" I say with a small smile.

"My bestie is in love!" Abby squeals and jumps on me.

"Yes I am now get off of me" I groan.

The rest of the game went pretty well with us winning and Paige scoring 21 points along with a couple assists. The team ended up winning 71-61. I texted Paige congratulating her on the win and then turned my phone off so I could get ready for bed. I had just gotten under my warm blankets when my phone starts ringing. I reach over to grab it when my hand comes in contact with the cold wood of my nightstand. I groan remembering that I left my phone in the kitchen and I slowly get up to get it. I finally grab it seeing Paige calling me.

"Hey baby, congrats on the win tonight" I say smiling.

"Thanks, it was a tough one but we managed" she replied.

"I love the new routine" I smirk.

"I thought you might, it's my way of saying I love you when you can't be there to watch me" she says.

I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and Paige sees this so she starts to tease me.

"Awww did I make you blush?" she teases.

"No you didn't" I say defensively.

"Sure, but you look tired so I'm going to let you get to sleep" she says.

"Alright, I love you"

"Love you too, now get some sleep".

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