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Maya's POV:

"Baby?" I ask.

"Whatsup?" She says turning around to face me.

"What are your plans for Thanksgiving?"

"I'm going back to Minnesota to see my family, how about you?" She answers.

"I'm going back to Wisconsin" I say while sighing.

"You don't sound to excited" Paige points out.

"I am, I'm just going to miss you" I pout.

"Aww, well good news is that we won't be very far apart from each other" she smirks.

"You planning something?" I question.

"You'll never know" she laughs.

*time skip*

*phone ringing*

"This is Maya" I answer.

"BIIITCH" I hear from the other side of the phone.

I quickly pull it away from my ear and look at who called and saw that it was my best friend, Macy.

"What" I answer.

"Wow is that how your gonna talk to me after we haven't seen each other in over a year?"

"My bad, OH MY GOD BESTIE" I say back.

"Okay I take it back"

I start laughing, "what's up mac?"

"Well I was wondering what your plans are for Thanksgiving because I was thinking of getting the gang back together."

"I'm coming back home so I'm down for anything. It's been a hot minute since we've hung out" I say.

"YESSS, I'll text you the deets later!" She exclaims.

"Alright, I'll see you soon" I laugh.

"See ya".

I put my phone down on the table and let out a sigh of content when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waste from behind. I knew who it was and leaned back into her chest closing my eyes taking in the relaxing moment.

"You okay" Paige whispers from behind.

"I'm perfect" I respond. 

This time I really meant it. I had the best girlfriend in the world and I was going to be seeing my best friends when I go home for break. The world was perfect at the moment. It was like nothing could go wrong.

*time skip*

Paige had to start packing for an away game so I was chilling on the couch watching ESPN so I could get out of her way. I was a little sad because she was going to be gone for a while because they had a couple away games this week and wouldn't really be home much. 

Once Paige finished packing, we cuddled up on the couch and turned on a movie. My head was on Paige's lap and she was running her hands through my hair which was making me fall asleep. A little bit later I felt myself being carried to the bed and the sheets being pulled over after Paige wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head while whispering goodnight.

Everything was right in the world.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I was super busy with school and then needed some time to decompress. Will everything stay perfect in the next chapter?

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