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"I gotta go, we have team bonding tonight, but I'll call you later alright?" I say while giving her a hug.

"Sounds good, have fun with your team" she responds.

"Love you"

"Love you more".

I walk back over to my teammates to get ready for team bonding. We are going straight to team bonding after the game, we aren't even showering because its already so late but who cares.

"Collins, hurry up!" My teammates shout.

Somehow I am the last one on the bus so I quickly sprint over.

"Where are we going again?" I ask.

"To grab some dinner and then we're going back to Sophia's dorm to play some games" Abby replies with a smirk. I don't know why but seeing that expression on her face made me somewhat nervous. We stopped at Chipotle for dinner and after everyone piled back on the bus, we headed back to the dorms. 

*Time Skip*

"Maya, truth or dare?" Kylie asks me.

"Uhhh dare" I respond. I immediately regret my decision when Abby leans over and whispers something into Kylie's ear.

"Alright, I dare you to call your crush" she smirks.

I start to panic on the inside because nobody knows about me and Paige yet. I pick up my phone and my thumb hovers over her contact and before I click on it someone adds" and put it on speakerphone". I groan before clicking the call button.

"Hey babe what's up?" Paige asks. You can tell she's tired by how raspy her voice is.

"Oh nothing, I had to call you for a dare, but you sound tired so I'm going to let you go to sleep. Okay I'll call you later love you bye." I rush out before hanging up the phone.

I look back up to see everyone's mouth hanging open and staring at me in shock. 

"Did she just call you babe?" Kylie asks. I slowly nod my head in response.

"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU DATING PAIGE BUECKERS!?!" my teammates manage to scream at the same time.

My face starts to turn red as I slowly nod my head again in response not wanting to answer. I make a mental note to tell Paige what happened when I call her later. Everyone starts asking me a bunch of questions about our relationship and it goes on for the rest of the team bonding.

*Time Skip*

"Hey baby, sorry about earlier. The team dared me to call my crush so that's what that was all about." I tell her.

Instead of calling her, I walked up to her dorm room instead.

"So they know about us now?" she asks slowly.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry if you didn't want to tell anyone just yet." 

"Babe, I'm not mad. If anything I'm relieved."

"Really?" I ask her.


She walks over and wraps me in a hug and kisses the top of my head.

"I could never be mad at you."

We cuddled the rest of the night while watching a movie and I ended up falling asleep about halfway through.

A/N: Sorry for the late update I've been super busy with sports recently

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